Shenstone Neighbourhood Plan – Have Your say on issues including Traffic, Parking & Other Local Issues 

If you are unable to access any of the documents referred to, please use this link for contact details for the Parish Clerk

Here are links to other useful N.P. documents

Use this link to access the Introduction Document.
Use this link to access the document providing information on planning and residential housing development.
Use this link to access the document providing information on other miscellaneous, N.P. related topics
Additional background information can be found by following this link.

24.03.24 – Following the recent, successful feedback, drop in sessions at the library, regarding village issues including traffic and parking etc. The following documents give residents who could not attend, an opportunity to add their views to those collected at the drop in sessions.

For context, to access the village overview map
please click here.

To view the current “observed” parking issues map
please click here

To access the blank feedback form form to record Parking Issues you have observed, please click here for the Word document or here  for a PDF version. The Word version of the form can be downloaded to your device; updated directly, and forwarded electronically to: Or it can be printed off and updated manually and sent to :- Shenstone Parish Council, 25C Main St, Shenstone WS14 0LZ

To view the current “observed” traffic hazards map
please click here

To access the blank feedback form form to record Traffic Hazards  you have observed, please click here for the Word document or here  for a PDF version. The Word version of the form can be downloaded to your device; updated directly, and forwarded electronically to:- Or it can be printed off and updated manually and sent to :- Shenstone Parish Council, 25C Main St, Shenstone WS14 0LZ

To access the blank feedback form form to record any other Local Issues you have observed, please click here for the Word document or here  for a PDF version. The Word version of the form can be downloaded to your device; updated directly, and forwarded electronically to:- Or it can be printed off and updated manually and sent to :- Shenstone Parish Council, 25C Main St, Shenstone WS14 0LZ

To access the feedback Questionnaire form form to record your views, please click here  for the Word document or here  for a PDF version. The Word version of the form can be downloaded to your device; updated directly, and forwarded electronically to:- Or it can be printed off and updated manually and sent to :- Shenstone Parish Council, 25C Main St, Shenstone WS14 0LZ