Risk Register

Shenstone Parish Council – Financial Risk Assessment on 1st July 2024

Approved & adopted at Full Council meeting 9th July 2024

Service Area Risk Action/Mitigation
Insurance Property Damage Property cover, for year ending 31st March 2025 is adequate. Parish property assets hold individual policies
Money Existing cover for year ending 31st March 2025 is adequate
Business interruption Not covered, but not required.
Employers’ Liability claim Existing cover for year ending 31st March 2025 of £10,000,000 is adequate.
Public and products liability claim Existing cover for year ending 31st March2025 of £10,000,000 is adequate.
Fidelity Guarantee Existing cover for year ending 31st March 2025 of £250,000,000 is adequate.
Libel and Slander Existing cover for year ending 31st March 2025 of £500,000 is adequate.
Officials Indemnity Existing cover for year ending 31st March 2025 of £10,000 is adequate.
Personal Accident. Existing cover for year ending 31st March 2025 of £50,000 is adequate.
Legal Expenses Existing cover for year ending 31st March 2025 of £100,000 is adequate.
Accounts Annual precept too high/too low or not the result of detailed consideration. Continue current system with detailed budget based on past year and current year accounts.
Inadequate monitoring of income/expenditure against budget Full list of accounts to date presented to each monthly council.
Unlawful expenditure Follow NALC Model Financial Regulations as adopted by Council & duly minuted. Follow advice of Clerk/RFO that all expenditure is within legal powers.
Unauthorised expenditure Report all payments to Council for approval (even if already paid) Bank transfers authorised within Financial Regulations and checked against reconciled statements.
Accounts not reconciled Bank reconciliation completed each month.
Non-standard and/or non-compliant records kept Follow Financial Regulations as adopted by Council. Accept advice from Clerk/RFO and internal and external auditors.
Non-compliance with statutory requirements for completion/ approval/submission of accounts and other financial returns. Continue to ensure that all accounts and returns are completed and submitted by the deadlines
Non-compliance with internal audit requirements. Appoint competent internal auditor.
Loss of computer-based accounting records. Records backed up off site (cloud based).
Staff Loss of key personnel through ill health or leaving Council could cover short-term absence while replacement found. Immediately advertise any vacancy. Appoint locum clerk if necessary.
Administration Inadequate access to advice Continue memberships of SPCA/NALC. Pay clerk’s membership of SLCC if requested.
Loss of computer-based records Records backed up off site (Cloud)
Loss of hard document records Photocopies to be stored off-site for key records.
Property ownerships Loss of title deeds All land ownerships have registered title so replacements available
Council owned land Accident arising from unsafe areas, diseased trees, etc. and resultant public liability claim Regular inspections for any risks.
Contactors Activities of uninsured contractor could give rise to public liability claim. Unsafe working practices by a contractor appointed by the council Council to check on contractors’ indemnity insurance and working practices

Approved & adopted at Full Council meeting 9th July 2024