Approved S.P.C Meeting Minutes 8.11.22


Serving Little Aston, Shenstone, Stonnall, Shenstone Wood End, Lynn, Parish Council Office 25C Main Street Shenstone WS14 OLZ
Tel: 01543 481 947
e-mail: < >

Approved minutes of meeting of Full Council held on Tuesday 8th November at Stonnall Community Centre at 7.15pm

98 Register of members in attendance

Cllr David Salter – Chair (Shenstone Wood End), Cllrs Sheila Beilby, Gail Nicholls, Val Neale, Mick Cox, Duncan Gleig & Phil Whitehouse (Stonnall), Cllr Nick Smith (Little Aston). Cllrs Lesley Edgley, Stuart Jones, Neil Perry, David Thompson, Leona Leung (Shenstone).

County Cllr David Smith.

PCSO Tom Pasmore. Mr Bob Ingram. Mr Nigel Hewitt

99 Acceptance of apologies & reason for absence:

Cllr Rita Hancocks -unwell. Cllr Kelly Harrison- childcare

100 Public Participation.

Members of the public are invited to address Council for a maximum of 15 minutes.

The meeting welcomed Mr Nigel Hewitt at his first Council meeting since joining as Lengthsman earlier this year.

PCSO Tom Pasmore has joined PCSO Andrea Horsnall in covering the Parish. He brings 14 years of police experience to the role & is looking forward to getting to know the area & the residents, including joining the coffee club next week. The latest statistics for calls to Staffordshire Police are Shenstone 106, Stonnall 27 & Little Aston 36.

Mr Bob Ingram congratulated Highways for the speed in removing a large tree that had fallen across the road in Stonnall earlier this week. Cllr Whitehouse had also reported the incident and was pleased with the response also.

Cllr Gleig queried why the tree had fallen. Cllr Salter said it was difficult to know and that integrity testing every tree is impossible.

Mr Ingram also spoke regarding Speedwatch & confirmed that he had discovered from PCSO Horsnall that only vehicles within a one hour driving radius of the incident are pursued by the police. PCSO Passmore is going to find out why this is the case & feedback.

Finally, Mr Ingram had queried with County Cllr Smith what the purpose of a black box that had appeared in Wallheath Lane was but had received no response.

Cllr Smith said that it is a traffic monitoring device but that the data being collected is not yet fit for sharing.

Cllr Salter said the data includes weight and type of vehicle, speed, time & direction.

He asked County Cllr Smith if the information recorded gets passed to the geo mapping database as it would be extremely useful. Cllr Smith said that is up to District.

Cllr Thompson asked if this survey is the same survey that Council have been waiting for for some time & to which we added additional locations.

Cllr Smith said that it was and that an 18-month delay regarding the local plan would mean that the data would be out of date so another way of sharing it needs to be found.

Cllr Salter said the delay to the local plan is 12 months max & could be as short as six. However, information gathering can come together in readiness, especially if Neighbourhood Plan renewal referendums are likely.

Cllr Smith said he will come back with the data as soon as it is assembled & that we need to look at patterns as well as volume plus the impact of the new housing developments.

Cllr Thompson requested a clearer timeline & Cllr Smith said he has meetings about the data collection conclusions within the next two weeks.

Cllr Salter read comments received from Mr Peter Hudson of The Plough in Shenstone expressing great concern at the speed of vehicles on Pinfold Hill & the number of near misses he has witnessed involving the elderly & children. He has written to Christopher Pincher and been told that he will seek County support in taking immediate action. Cllr Smith said it was unlikely anything would happen soon.

Cllr Salter mentioned the possibility of extending the speedwatch operation to include the area and mentioned a meeting of Speedwatch next Monday. Cllr Cox confirmed he will be attending.

101 Declarations of interest. Members should consider whether they should partake in any discussion or vote on matters on the agenda unless they have a dispensation:


102 To accept and confirm minutes of the last Full Council meeting on Tuesday 11th Oct 2022

Approved & signed.

103 Update from Clerk on outstanding issues.

  • Pine Trees: problem trees alongside station track on Admiral Parker Drive.

The tree officer from County has visited the site & reported that no action needs to be taken as the trees look very healthy. Also, any action would require closing the line which is hugely expensive.

  • Lammas Land boundary incursion investigation: update. Pickerings Solicitors have confirmed that initial investigations appear to show an incursion and therefore a letter has been sent to the residents of the house in question. They will be offered a 14 day period of consultation with Pickerings. If there is no response then proceedings will be initiated.

  • Vehicle for Lengthsman : feedback on research.

The research completed by Nigel was shared :- link to research document. There then followed a discussion on the advantages & disadvantages of diesel v electric, the employment status of the Lengthsman & insurance implications, and whether leasing may be an option. Cllr Perry suggested trialing a tow bar & trailer but Nigel predicts issues with parking, turning and security. Cllr Thompson & Cllr Jones both stated that any vehicle purchase should be electric and that the Council should lead on carbon reduction by example. There was a very clear split between options so it was agreed that a detailed cost/benefit analysis needs to be completed.

104 To receive reports from District and County Councillors.

County Cllr Smith spoke on the following :

  • Thank you to Mr. Ron Nicholls for reporting the damaged 30mph sign in Stonnall which has been attended to.

  • Re the pine trees in Admiral Parker Drive he added that Network Rail will not allow the trees to be touched without closing the line completely.

  • Staffs County Council are not supporting “20 is plenty”.

  • Cllr Smith will be raising with Lichfield District Council the fact that weekly planning application spreadsheets are no longer being sent out as a matter of course.

  • Wall Island. There is an issue with a bus stop in the direction of Shenstone from Lichfield which is in a very hazardous position. Highways are looking at this & Parish may be approached for a contribution towards moving it.

  • He would like to get a current list of all trees with TPO status & review.

Cllr Salter raised the subject of the final markings on the A5127 & a requested tweak to the positioning of the speed sign on Birmingham Rd. Cllr Smith said he would meet up with Cllr Salter soon to look at these issues.

Cllr Salter mentioned the crime prevention event & said that we could consider hosting one. link to event  document

105 Finance.

All financial transactions were approved.

Current position Unity Account £153,036. Nat West Current account £905.00.

Nat West Businesss Reserve £53,367.05 & Nat West Liquidity Account Ring Fenced funds for ear marked projects £112,693.61.

  • Consideration of 2023/24 budget & cost comparison analysis.

The Clerk then talked through  a spreadsheet detailing expenditure & forecast. Council asked several questions and were satisfied with the work completed & the Clerks answers. link to Precept cost comparison spreadsheet.

  • Set Precept for next year.

Before any decision is made re the Precept, Council would like the advice of Alan Topliss who is completing the half year audit on Friday. Cllr Thompson identified the forecast carry over and concluded it justifies a modest increase if at all. Cllrs Jones & Cox stated that no increase can be justified with the accounts as healthy as they are. Cllr Beilby highlighted that there is however, potential for a significant increase in the LDC contract & utilities costs as well as an increase in office rent.

Cllr Salter also identified how a small increase in the precept can have no impact on household contributions. Although a formal vote was not taken indications are that Council are minded to leave the Precept as is and that any increase, if approved next month , needs to be very well justified. RESOLUTION : Defer to December Full Council.

Interim audit & budget review meeting with Alan Topliss Fri 11th Nov

106 Planning.

Approve planning applications received and update on any objections/ developments. Link to planning applications spreadsheet

There were no issues raised.

107 Consider actions from Playdale Playground inspections.

Repairs identified at Shenstone are approved as part of the existing maintenance contract.

LARGA have several items still under guarantee. Stonnall are waiting for the report with costings.

108 Approval of the Shenstone & Stonnall Decarbonisation Feasibilty Study recommendations.

Cllr Thompson shared a report and requested that Council now take this forward to a public meeting to test interest.
link to report

The recommendations of the initial Feasibility Study are that:-

(i) Two options have been identified for decarbonising the heating demands of Shenstone and Stonnall, comprising Option 1, a central heating centre and communal supply network and Option 2, individual air source heat pumps for each household with community electricity purchasing or generation.

(ii) That a detailed Feasibility Study of the two options is now undertaken.

(iii) The potential for funding a detailed Feasibility Study through central and local government bodies as well as the private sector is now undertaken.

(iv) The Council shares the initial findings with both communities and seeks support for a detailed investigation of the two options.

(v) The results of the initial Feasibility Study are now shared with South Staffordshire Water Ltd.

(vi) The Parish Council continues to work in collaboration with Whittington and Fisherwick Parish Council.

A point was made around energy conservation – while this plan is a very good opportunity for the future, we can significantly reduce emissions now by energy conservation e.g., insulation in older houses. It was agreed that any communications with residents needs to carefully planned so that the initiative is understandable & easier to secure the opinions of both communities affected.

RESOLUTION : The vote was carried to take the study recommendations forward with one objection & three abstentions.

Cllr Thompson expressed his thanks to members of the Working Group and Clerk for all work to date.

Cllr Salter suggested that the Working Group becomes an approved Sub-Committee of the Neighbourhood Planning & Property Committee thus giving it a greater status. RESOLUTION: This proposal was agreed.

109 Consideration of a Councillor led grant for Stonnall Christmas Fayre: £400.00.

Cllr Whitehouse has received a grant request to fund a Christmas fayre event in Stonnall for the community to enjoy. Explaining the detail & the aim of the event, Cllr Whitehouse was happy to support. It is not as yet confirmed where the Christmas tree will stand as the Community Hall is still awaiting confirmation of transfer of the property from Staffs County, but it is expected very soon. RESOLUTION: Unanimously approved.

110 St Johns Church Upper & Lower Cemetery: update on invitations to tender.

The Clerk has received two applications to tender & has prepared the tender document which is awaiting approval. Currently checking procurement regulations with Lichfield District.

The Ukrainian Flag.

Following confirmation at a Council meeting earlier this year, it was agreed that the Ukrainian flag will be flown from next week.

112 The content of the Parish Council newsletter.

Cllr Thompson wished to reiterate to members that the newsletter exists to promote the work of the Parish Council. The most recent issue has several articles that clearly are of community value however the Parish Council needs to maintain a stronger balance with the activities and projects that it is directly delivering and developing. It is the responsibility of members to provide the Clerk with copy so that readers understand what the Council does.

Cllr Salter said he agreed but that a balance needs to be maintained with good news stories as well as the more detailed complex Parish issues. Cllr Edgley said that she was not aware of Councils position re content. It was explained that it had been agreed some time ago before some members joined. Whilst accepting this, Cllr Edgley said that the balance is important with the more Parish newsworthy articles important but delivered in a simpler way as well as other articles saying what is going on in the community.

Cllr Whitehouse said he will attend the Stonnall Christmas Fayre & report back on it.

It was agreed that the previous approach where members identify ideas well in advance will commence for the next newsletter in January.

113 Consideration of replacement public noticeboard: corner of Lincoln Croft & Main St, Shenstone.

RESOLUTION: Clerk to investigate cost of repairs first.

114 Consideration of replacement heritage sign by the Pinfold in Stonnall : badly scratched

RESOLUTION: Clerk to investigate costs.

115 20’s plenty: speed limitation campaign.

Cllr Salter explained that whilst County may not be supportive of this initiative, if enough Parish Councils sign up to it, it may force reconsideration. Cllr Perry said that he could not support it as it stands with blanket enforcement on all rural roads- it should be only where appropriate. Cllr Cox agreed and said that residents should be asked what their views are first before Council act. Cllr Jones said the initiative has environmental positives as well as addressing speed.

RESOLUTION: Council voted in the majority to support the initiative. There were four members against & two abstentions.

116 Civility pledge.

The Clerk will forward several articles featured in this month’s new “Clerk” magazine.

111 Next meeting of Full Council Tues 13th Dec 2022 at Little Aston Village Hall.