Minutes of Meeting With the Richard Cooper room management committee – Oct 2021

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Tel: 01543 481 947
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Minutes of meeting with Richard Cooper Room Management Committee 6th Oct 2021

Attendees: Mr Keith Goldsworthy, Mrs Tresa Rock, Mrs Jean Coton, Mrs Rita Hancocks,

Cllr David Thompson, Cllr David Salter, Shirley O’Mara (Clerk).

Cllr Thompson began the meeting by explaining that Council is currently looking at all Parish assets, both buildings and land, and clarifying its role and responsibilities of each. As part of this, the Hough & Co building appraisal was completed some time ago which identified significant repairs were required, particularly to the roof, and that these were classed as urgent even then.

It was explained that in order to justify any kind of expenditure Council must be absolutely convinced that it is justified. Hence, the Neighbourhood Planning & Property Committee recommended that work was done by the Clerk to establish utilisation of the building both pre and post Covid. Mrs Rock, Bookings Secretary, has provided the information, stressing that there were concerns as to why this detail was required. She was assured that this is part of a due diligence exercise that Council must do without any predisposition to the outcome.

The recent experience with Stonnall Youth & Community Centre was shared including the more comprehensive building survey by Friend Associates and this was suggested as a next step, particularly as it has been some time since the appraisal was conducted. Although the roof was given a high priority rating Mr Goldsworthy stated he did not believe the roof was dangerous or a matter of urgency. However, it was explained that having had the appraisal the information must be shard with the insurer and therefore the urgency is that the works take place before the next renewal in May.

An outline application to Lichfield District Council on potential rebuilding should also be submitted highlighting the fact that no parking on site has never been an issue.

Mrs Rock wished to state for the record that she personally is totally against losing the Richard Cooper Room, particularly with its long history, and she would do all she could to assist its future. Cllr Salter said that he spoke on behalf of everyone in agreement with her but reiterated that Council must be completely clear that repairs or rebuild expenditure is justified use of public money.

It was agreed that a recommendation will be shared with Council at the next meeting on Tuesday Oct 12th requesting permission to engage Friend Associates in a full building survey, that this will be shared with the RCRoom Committee and lead to next steps in terms of getting quotes for work identified. A public consultation seeking residents views on the building & its future will also be conducted.