Approved Minutes of Annual Parish Meeting 28th April 2021.


Serving Little Aston, Shenstone, Stonnall, Shenstone Wood End, Lynn, Parish Council Office 25C Main Street Shenstone WS14 OLZ
Tel: 01543 481 947
e-mail: < >

Approved Minutes of Annual Parish Meeting 28th April 2021.

Meeting held in accordance with Coronavirus Act 2020 regulations.

1 Register of members in attendance & apologies for absence.

Attendees: Cllr David Salter, Cllr Sheila Beilby, Cllr Stuart Jones, Cllr Nicki Gobran.

Mr Keith Jones, Mrs Mary Jones, Mrs Debbra Pastel-Tullah. Shirley O’Mara (Clerk)

County Cllr David Smith.

Acceptance of apologies.

Cllrs Mick Cox, Gail Nicholls, David Thompson, Rita Hancocks, Lesley Edgley.

District Cllr Elizabeth Little. Mrs Jane Arnstein.

2 Welcome and introduction by the Chairman of Shenstone Parish Council 2020/21, Cllr David Salter.

Welcome everyone to the 2021 Annual Parish Meeting.

As the agenda explains this is not a Parish Council meeting but is for the organisations and charities within our Wards to publicly report on their past 12 months activities using the Council as its host.

It should be noted that, although there is an opportunity for questions and concerns to be raised no determinations may be made at this meeting, only referrals to relevant bodies.

The holding of an APM is a legal requirement and must be held between 1st March and 1st June inclusively each year.

Of course the outbreak of the Covid19 pandemic and the subsequent Lockdown of the Country meant that it was not possible to hold the 2020 APM.

Therefore reports this evening may include content referring to a 24 month period.

Before we commence I must inform you that this meeting is being recorded on the Zoom platform. This is not for publication or circulation but for the benefit of the Clerk to enable creation of accurate minutes which is extremely difficult to do whilst hosting the meeting. If anyone has objection to the recording please indicate now.

This is not a Parish Council meeting but is for the organisations and charities within our Wards to publicly report on their past 12 months activities using Council as host.

It should be noted that, although there is an opportunity for questions and concerns to be raised no determinations may be made at this meeting, only referrals to relevant bodies.

3 To approve & adopt the minutes of the 2018 Annual Parish meeting held on Weds 8th May 2019.

Approved & adopted.

4 Shenstone Parish Council Annual Report 2020/21

The work of the Parish Council has continued successfully through the past year’s pandemic by holding all of its meetings remotely on the Zoom platform.

The log in details have been widely published in order that members of the public have been able to join the meetings if they so desire.

Thankfully none of the meetings drifted towards anything like a Handforth Parish Council style of debate. We have our very own Jackie Weaver in Shirley who, I’m sure, would not let that happen.

To expand on a few particular areas of the Council’s work:


we have had predominantly successful objections to planning applications which were contrary to the Neighbourhood Plans and still have objections outstanding relating to current applications.

The Parish Council are working very closely with “Save our Shenstone” in ongoing responses to the Lichfield District Council Plan review and one of the key goals for the coming year is to review all of our neighbourhood plans to ensure they are updated robust and mesh with Lichfield’s plan..

Traffic & Parking:

This is a problem across the Parish and the Council continue to work with County Cllr David Smith to try to alleviate problems. A traffic order has just been approved and Parish have paid £9,500 in an effort to address speeding along the A5127 Birmingham Rd into the village towards Lichfield by moving the start of the 30 zone and extending it to include Court Drive. This follows a long period of campaigning and several traffic accidents. There will shortly be a similar traffic order actioned in Cartersfield Lane, Stonnall.

Council have contributed £150 to Staffordshire Police towards its “Parking Buddies” Scheme around schools. These little character signs are designed to help prevent dangerous parking.

The traffic order for parking restrictions around Shenstone Station is complete and work is scheduled to commence on 4th May and take about 10 days to complete.

Community Grants.

In Jan The Council has awarded just over £22,000 in Community grants to 20 organisations across the Parish. These include children’s play equipment for Stonnall Stay & Play Group (though sadly the grant was not required due to Covid), resurfacing of the top two courts at Little Aston Tennis Club, dementia equipment for Footherley Hall Care Home, library furniture to support the “Accelerated Reader Programme” at Greysbrook School, contour tables for Shenstone Rainbows, gardening equipment for Stonnall Gardeners Guild & a sun & rain shelter for Little Aston Village Hall.

In a year that saw fewer applications than usual, probably as a result of the pandemic, Council were pleased to award just under £13,000 to community groups and initiatives including a lawnmower & gardening equipment for Stonnall Gardeners Guild, £2,000 to the “Adopt a Station” Project in Shenstone, a Virosafe disinfector to help fight Covid for Footherley Hall Nursing Home and a new gate & fencing for Little Aston Tennis Club

Other grants include Shenstone Guides, Stonnall & Lyn Playing Fields, Shenstone Library & others.

Playing Fields & recreation grounds:

A report from Little Aston Recreation Ground Association, Stonnall Playing Fields & the Lammas Land Committee will follow but the Council wish to reiterate their commitment to supporting the provision and upkeep of our outdoor spaces across the Parish

St John the Baptist Lower Lawn Cemetery:

Residents will recall that at the last AGM we spoke of investigations into a new cemetery due to fears of impending capacity at St John’s. After thorough research it was agreed that with a different approach to the layout of plots we could maximise the amount of space left to generate enough capacity for a further 25 years. This will involve utilising space between rows on the burials side with cremated remains plots but still maintain the appropriate space in between.

Lengthsmen Scheme:

Many of you will now be used to the familiar sight of Steve & Gerry, our Lengthsmen, around the Parish. By utilising their skills one or two days a week the Council have been able to not only ensure that all routine maintenance is achieved efficiently and economically but also tackle bigger projects that have made a real difference, an example of that is the work carried out in addition to the major flood prevention scheme in Stonnall. The Lengthsmen created a lined gully to divert water off the adjacent field into the culvert, thus preventing future overspill onto the public right of way. It was reported by the Clerk that our Lengthsman scheme has been noticed by other Councils who are considering setting up similar schemes and asking for advice and guidance with some even wanting to ‘hijack’ our workforce.

Christmas Market:

Cast your mind back if you can to Christmas 2019 which saw our very first Shenstone Christmas Market. Brilliantly organised by Mrs Gilly Sperrin, Council were very pleased to support the initiative which was a big success and thoroughly enjoyed by the many in attendance. Sadly the pandemic meant the success could not be repeated last year but hopefully 2021 will be much kinder and we will share another fun, festive occasion together.

Diamond Jubilee Allotments:

We are delighted to confirm that a new lease has been negotiated for a further ten years commencing 1st Jan 2022.


Our newsletters have continued to be produced throughout this difficult year. Those residents with access to email are encouraged to sign up for our e-bulletins which are produced to provide updates & news in between the newsletter publications. Please encourage friends and neighbours and members of you own societies to sign up…simply email Shirley at the office to register

5 Shenstone Parish Council Finance Report 2020/21.

Financial position as at 28th April 2021: Nat West current Account £905.00, Nat West Business Reserve £53,312.86. Nat West Ring fenced funds for ear marked projects £162,280.62. Unity Account including the 2021 receipt of £182,000: £211,256.01.

Ear marked projects include reviewing and adopting new neighbourhood plans; professional fees associated with reviews of property assets, potential development of Stonnall Youth & Community Centre & the Richard Cooper Room, restoration work on a border wall at St Johns cemetery.

6 District & County Council Reports 2020/21

County Cllr Smith repeated some of what the Parish report had already mentioned as they are partnership projects.

Re parking in & around Shenstone Station, despite several attempts the rail provider has failed to engage with County & Cllr Smith expects there to be problems once the Traffic restrictions are imposed.

Engineering plans for Shenstone gateway site will start very soon.

Re flooding in Newick Avenue, Little Aston an access cover to the surface water drainage has been raised & blockages cleared.

New signage will be put in place at the lights on Aldridge Rd & work done to improve safety.

Funding is in place for a Pedestrian crossing at Blake Street.

Work on the gateway on Cartersfield Lane will start soon using a grant from S.C.A.R.

Church Rd entrance improvements will also be put in place shortly as the 30mph signs are in the wrong place.

The footpath up to the Church will be patched to deal with damages to the tarmac.

A wall near the Church is partially collapsing but it is the responsibility of the landowner who is not accepting responsible.

Stonnall Youth & Community Centre is being offered to the Parish Council to continue community activities. The decision has been put on hold to allow consultation.

Shire Oak Quarry: progress is ongoing and Cllr Smith would be happy to offer a very interesting tour. On target to plant over 1000 trees.

Cllr Gobran asked for an update on traffic measures at the junction of Little Aston Lane, Clarence Rd & Rosemary Hill Rd. County Cllr Smith said he is happy to look at it but the lights will be reviewed in the next two years. Cllr Gobran said it is not about traffic volumes or speed but timing of crossing the road. Cllr Salter said it needs to be a pedestrian survey rather than a traffic survey.

7 Matters raised by Parish residents.

Mr Nicholas Power of Stonnall asked the following comments be shared

“I would just wish to pass on my thanks for the way in which the Council have supported the residents of St Peters Close by undertaking the various works over the past 12 months during what has been a difficult time for all .I am conscious a number of your team have come together to manage the issue and this is best highlighted when the Chairman (David)himself spent the day digging the additional trench from the adjacent farmers field with Steve .The hard work and graft of the team has been greatly appreciated and in particular I would like to pass on my thanks to the Lengthsmen Steve and Gerry .

Mr Trevor Harris of St Johns Hill, Shenstone:

“I’m aware that speeding on Birmingham Rd, Shenstone is an issue and am pleased that some action is being taken. However I am personally just as concerned at the speed of some vehicles on St Johns Hill and of the danger this poses both to pedestrians and to vehicles exiting properties with limited visibility such as my own – no 65.

Whilst there are speed bumps on St Johns Hill these are totally ineffective to most vehicles. Is there anything which can be done please?”

Cllr Smith said that he would be happy to look at this and suggested putting the issue on the Staffs CC portal.

Mr Keith Goldsworthy asked for the following to be read out:

A big thank you to Shirley as Parish Clerk for the splendid job that you do and the Shenstone Bakers for the fantastic job they have done throughout the Pandemic

Also thank you to the Parish Council for their support on behalf of Trinity Methodist Church and the Cooper Room

8 To receive reports from Community Organisations.

Stonnall Playing Fields: Cllr Sheila Beilby wished to thank Council for the community grant which has enabled the purchase of a wheelchair suitable picking bench. Also to Steve & Gerry who installed it.

Diamond Jubilee Allotments: Debbra Pastel-Tullah thanked Council for the grant for the fencing & reported all spaces are taken. Great news re the lease renewal. There is a new website & a new chairperson. Everything going really well.

Shenstone Village Hall: a lot of electrical maintenance has been done & they have purchased some plastic chairs which are easier to keep clean. 

Fortunate enough to use the site for Covid testing & for after school care.

In the absence of Father Christmas, all the gifts which the Village Hall was saving were shared out to local charities.

Keith Jones spoke with an update on the Parish Council website. Over the last 12 months the site has been available 24/7 with no down time. There has been a significant amount of work carried out in order to make it meet the new Accessibility Regulations which came in last Autumn.

To enable greater transparency we now share much more information to ensure audit compliancy. Over the last 12 months more than 10,500 visitors accessed the parish site. The Clerk thanked Keith for all his work.

Re Shenstone Bowls Club, if all goes to plan the Club will recommence on May 19th

Shenstone Community Library: Lynda Jones briefed everyone that it has been 4 years since the lease was signed with Staffs CC to run the library on their behalf and also 4 years since the Coffee Shop was developed to build a thriving community resource. It has been very difficult throughout the pandemic but very rewarding to reopen recently, especially for those in need of companionship.

There are now over 90 volunteers in many different capacities that are very talented & hugely committed.

The challenge is to build back the service in a safe environment.

Parish Council grants have been so helpful enabling the coffee shop to operate outside using the new picnic tables and in also supporting a readership challenge to bring the young people back in.

The big project is to build a small extension to the side of the library to make a thriving community hub in such a unique location. A new lease is currently being worked on and a lottery grant application is progressing.

Friendship rather than books, coffee and cake are what the Library is about & the Library would like everyone to take advantage of what it can provide.

The Lammas Land: Cllr Stuart Jones stated that, like most open spaces, the pandemic and lockdown has seen a huge boost in the numbers using The Lammas Land and so much great feedback of appreciation.

There is very little litter & the Committee is grateful to those who volunteer.

Successes include a new information board put in place by Steve & Gerry who also did some good work making the step up to the crossing over the stream more accessible. There is a new litter bin, substantial path repairs and work done to the dangerous cracked willow trees for which the Committee are very grateful to Council.

There is a new seating area made up of some of the boughs that were cut down and a new naturally made climbing area by the old Willow crossing the stream.

Sadly, the crocodile & reindeers have been lost due to the ravages of time but hopefully by Christmas the reindeer will be back.

The Committee continue to work hard & strimming has re-started with some re-planting also. Work on the bank of the stream is next on the agenda.

Friends of Shenstone Tower: The tower project has been inching forwards with big developments on the horizon. Additional funding has been agreed from Heritage Englandand the planning & faculty applications should be in any day now.

Once the lease is signed the contractor can start. Anticipating a May to November building schedule.

Team Shenstone Bakes: Mrs Mary Jones thanked the Council for supporting the initiative that has enabled those in need to have treats throughout the pandemic.

Assisted by Ann Hawthorn & Liz Walch on baking but also with Pat Patrick supplying boxes the project has been hugely successful and allowed the ladies to keep up their baking skills. There are still 12 residents who are recipients. Thank you so much to everyone.

Cllr Salter thanked Mary and said the whole project has been amazing.

Cllr Gobran said on behalf of the Little Aston recipients they were overwhelmed & so grateful it was heart-warming to see

Little Aston Recreation Ground: Cllr Salter read the following report:

During the period 2019/20 Shenstone Parish Council formalised its Lease Agreement with the Little Aston Recreation Ground Association Management Committee and continued its much valued support of the facility as it has always done for all of the parishes’ playing fields and recreation areas.

The year brought no major changes to the site other than the installation of some new donated or sponsored benches and the usual maintenance and repair work.

There was highly successful fundraising, mainly from the acclaimed 2019 Party in the Park event, known locally as – Littleastonbury which saw Elton John and George Michael tribute acts headlining. There were also seasonal visits to the grounds from Father Christmas and his elves, and the Easter Bunny and Chicks.

The Covid19 Pandemic unfortunately affected the Little Aston Recreation Ground site in several ways during the period of 2020/21.

The first lockdown in March of last year carried so many restrictions in respect of the facilities which could not be used that it was felt best and safest to completely close. The nature and layout of the ground, having only one entrance point, meant that it was possible to easily seal off the whole site.

When playgrounds etc. were eventually able to open in August, the Government announcement that a full equipment inspection and all repairs must be carried out prior to opening brought further complications and expenditure. We were fortunate, thanks to the Parish Council, to get an inspection at fairly short notice but the report identified faults which, no matter how minor, our insurers would not permit us to open until they were addressed. The parts and replacement units amounted to almost £13,000 and a great deal of work from our dedicated band of volunteers and supporters brought most of the park back into use. Work is ongoing to install units which had to be completely removed and replaced.

We unfortunately experienced further problems brought about by the unseasonably good weather in late February this year. Schools were closed and even though it was during the period of lockdown with a ‘Stay Home’ rule, people were turning up at the site from well outside the area and in very large numbers and breaking many of the Covid19 regulations.

The situation escalated to the point that over the weekend of 6th & 7th March there were several sizeable parties of adults with large quantities of food and drink, Covid secure fencing was ripped from equipment and damage was being caused to equipment and trees. An emergency meeting of the management committee was called and it was decided that, as schools were due to reopen, our best option would be to close the site completely at weekends which would not be too disruptive to our local, regular users but hopefully deter long distance visitors and breaches of Covid19 laws. We have also taken steps to limit our exposure online such as editing our Google listing to show we are closed and have temporarily suspended our Facebook page

The total closure last year meant that our major fund raising event – Party in the Park – could unfortunately not take place. This mini festival usually realises a profit of around £25,000 which is used to run and maintain the facility through the year. It has been calculated that it costs in the region of £16,000 per year to maintain the status quo, without making improvements or dealing with unexpected repairs etc.

The current situation in respect of Covid19 restrictions and large event gatherings legislation means that it has not been possible to organise or hold our 2021 Party in the Park either, nor have we been able to hold our other events at Christmas and Easter. This means we are in the region of £50,000 down on our income since 2019. However, we are fortunate that we have a reasonably heathy bank balance which, with careful management, and the ongoing support of the Parish Council and volunteers, means we should be able to function until we can recommence our fund raising activities in 2022.

Despite these setbacks and problems I am happy to report that the LARGA management committee and its associated volunteer groups and sub committees are undaunted, united and determined to ensure the continued provision of this very special and much valued community facility. We have been fortunate to have received donations and a legacy from individuals and businesses and, in an effort to increase our funds, we have signed up as a beneficiary of the recently launched Lichfield Community Lottery. Some income is also received from our on-site donation boxes, Amazon Smile and Just Giving. Investigations are currently underway to consider Nature Reserve status for the site which, with the support of the Parish Council and Lichfield District Council, would help to further protect the site for the future

Adopt A Station: The Clerk read the following email from Mrs Jane Arnstein:

I have met with the adoption team from Wylde Green Station who have given me contacts for an art exhibition to go into the waiting room. The art has been done by young people at the YMCA in Sutton Coldfield and is around mental health issues. The work is stunning and I am just waiting to hear from the station officer to see when we can put it in and display it. I think that since so many young people use the station, the exhibition will be perfect. The Wylde Green group have commissioned a local artist to create a mural at their station. I have also contacted the artist regarding a similar project on the railway bridge above the Birmingham platform here at Shenstone.

As a group we have been unable to meet and get on with things due to us having to wait for our Health and Safety briefing. This will now be undertaken on Tuesday 11th May and after that we can really get going! Your very generous grant is going to be very well spent and will make a great difference to the look of the bank and the car park – I’m sure of this!

9 Vote of thanks to all participants.

Cllr Salter thanked everyone for taking part and wished everyone a good evening.

10 Closure of meeting.
