Agenda for  the Stonnall Y & C.C. Working Party  Meeting 24th May 2021

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Serving Little Aston, Shenstone, Stonnall, Shenstone Wood End, Lynn, Parish Council Office 25C Main Street Shenstone WS14 OLZ
Tel: 01543 481 947
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Date: 24th May 2021

AGENDA SY&CC WORKING GROUP MEETING 24th May 2021 at 4.00pm via Zoom.

1. Register of Members in attendance.

2. Apologies Received.

3. Review of options following consultation:-

(i) RIBA 3 and ask SCC to transfer ownership to the SYCC MC

(ii)RIBA 3 and SPC retain the lease and SPC/SYCC MC repair to 2031 and hand back land to SCC in 2031.

(iii)RIBA 3 and SPC accepts ownership and SPC/SYCC MC repair existing and also build a new SYCC

(iv)RIBA 3 and terminate lease pay £10 and demolish and hand back the land in accordance with the lease

4. Note letter to N Cragg

5. Consultation offer of two Working Group places. Response to the five names self-identified for membership:-

(i) One SYCC name and one place held open for A N Other

(ii) One from the three SYCC involved names and one from the two interested names

(iii) All five names invited

6. SYCC MC RIBA 3 Pre meeting

7. Survey and Zurich timetable.

8. AOB.