Approved N. P&P Minutes 06.02.24

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Serving Little Aston, Shenstone, Stonnall, Shenstone Wood End, Lynn, Parish Council Office 25C Main Street Shenstone WS14 OLZ
Tel: 01543 481 947
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Approved minutes of the Neighbourhood Planning & Property Committee Meeting held on Tuesday Feb 6th, 2024, at 4.30pm Shenstone Parish Office.

1 Register of members in attendance.

Cllr David Thompson (Chair), Cllr David Salter, Cllr Stuart Jones, Cllr Gail Nicholls, Cllr Simon Fisher. Cllr Phil Whitehouse.

Shirley O’Mara (Clerk).

2 Acceptance of apologies. None.

It was however noted that Cllr Val Neale had tendered her resignation from Council earlier in the day. Cllr Thompson, on behalf of the Committee, thanked Cllr Neale for her many years of service & her valued contribution,

3 Public Participation.

Members of the public are invited to address Council for a maximum of 15 minutes. None.

4 Declarations of interest. Members should consider whether they should partake in any discussion or vote on matters on the agenda unless they have a dispensation:


5 To accept and confirm minutes of the last Neighbourhood Planning & Property Committee Meeting Nov 6th, 2023.

Approved & signed.

6 Planning applications- update including outstanding applications and objections.

Cllr Thompson briefed as follows:

  • Objection still pending re development 23/01263 behind 16-24 Main Street.

  • Objection to be submitted on Feb 7th re the amended application 23/00945 for Haddon House, Shenstone

  • An objection against an illuminated sign in Burnet Rd has been upheld.

Cllr Thompson added that he was pleased to see in the recent call for sites for potential development communication from Lichfield District Council that land suitable for travellers was identified.

7 The Lichfield District Council/South Staffs Water Renewable Heating Detailed Business Case Project submission for the Shenstone Business Park development.

The late December funding submission by the District Council is still being reviewed by the government’s Heat Network Development Unit.

8 Lammas Land Boundary incursion: update from Solicitors.

The Clerk briefed members on a conversation with DAS Legal who are the newly appointed Solicitors acting for Council in this case. The timeline of events and actions was clarified with the next step being a review by a senior Solicitor at DAS before identifying next steps. It was made clear that the company need to be reassured of at least a 50% chance of success should matters progress to Court before committing to take matters further as this is a requirement of our legal expenses insurance cover.

9 Review of Neighbourhood Plan Review progress and bidding to central Government for a) additional 2024/25 review funding and b) funding of projects arising by the Parish Council.

This item was brought forward to before item 6.

Cllr Whitehouse updated members on progress with the Stonnall Neighbourhood Plan review:

  • Cllr Whitehouse stated that he was in attendance at the meeting in order to upskill himself on the Neighbourhood Plan process.

  • All members of the Stonnall NP group is comprised of many experts in their field, members of the community groups & St Peters School. The challenge is now to harness all of the energy and ideas and make sure that the guidance of County Cllr David Smith, as lead, is aligned to the NP review process

  • There has been limited contact with Navigus but it is hoped a face to face meeting in March will be possible.

  • Next meeting of the Stonnall group is Feb 21st.

  • Cllrs Whitehouse & Thompson to meet on 8th Feb.

Cllr Thompson stated that the Shenstone & Little Aston draft revisions are being shaped by their working groups through Navigus to include additional planning relevant data such as the importance of the existing village hall development in Little Aston & the use of solar panels in conservation areas in Shenstone. In March there are three strands of draft revision community consultation taking place: interactive face to face; social media & online and thirdly, by hand physical responses.

There will be further bids to the government for grant funding to retain the services of Navigus in 2024/25 and complete the process in all three areas to varying levels.

LDC has confirmed the Shenstone village has already met its minimum new homes provision requirement identified in the 2015-2029 Lichfield Local Plan

10 Malkins Coppice update.

A meeting has been requested with South Staffs Water to a) receive an update on permitted path access & ongoing maintenance agreement and b) establish SSW continuing interest re Lichfield District Council call out for sites for potential housing development.

11 Consideration of terms of reference for Traffic Sub Committee & discussion of Staffs County Council traffic data.

A draft of the Terms of Reference was shared. RECOMMENDATION: For approval at Full Council.

With regard to the recent Traffic Data Study, which was compiled by Staffs County, Cllr Thompson requested that the data relating to the additional roads requested & paid for by the Parish Council, be presented in the same format as the rest of the study as this would be extremely useful. As there is a cost involved this request needs to be approved by Council.

RECOMMENDATION: Request & fund representation of the additional traffic data from Staffs County.

12 Footherley Road bench access works.

It was agreed that the bench on the Footherley/Richard Cooper Road glebe needs to have a stable pitch and access and a permanent position having proved it is very popular & widely used by residents.

RECOMMENDATION: investigate costs of a hard standing pitch and an access path, possibly breedon gravel, and dropped kerb. Members in favour of works in principle.

13 Shenstone Lawn Cemetery: burial authority review.

Update from Clerk pending formal review meeting. The Clerk is waiting for information from Mark Ridgeway regarding remaining capacity numbers for the graveyard as well as any suggestions he may have for managing the burial ground going forward.

The next Neighbourhood Planning Meeting will focus on an overall burial authority review. Potential site visit to be included.

The trees which were causing damage to the Eastridge Close property have been removed. Trees to replace them need to be purchased in the fullness of time as it was a decision of Council that the removal was subject to this stipulation.

14 A.O.B

  1. Cllr Jones briefed members on the state of the cherry trees on the Lammas Land that were recently damaged. Although all damaged, most have recovered with only three needing to be replaced entirely and then all protected by a wire surround.

Cllr Jones expects the cost of the trees to be circa £700 plus the wire.

RESOLUTION: Council to fund cost of the replacement & the wiring. Cllr Jones to provide exact costs.

  1. Cllr Nicholls met with Staffs County Council flood team & residents of St Peters Close on Stonnall Playing Fields to discuss the recent flooding. The residents shared some drone footage & other details with the Flood Team Officers & expressed their gratitude for all efforts & support so far from all concerned. Officers to report back on next steps.

  2. Dropped kerbs in Shenstone: The Clerk will chase the resident who raised the issue for the further information requested.
  1. The deterioration in the footbridge on the public right of way through the industrial park to Footherley was brought to the attention of Members by a concerned resident. The bridge deck is in a poor condition and if it deteriorates much further its integrity with the steel beams carrying it will be compromised and hence become a safety hazard to those using the path. As this bridge is on private land the Committee will request a meeting with the landowner to discuss further.
  2. Cllr Salter shared the following information from Lichfield Police January roundup of news:

We have continued to police pop up protests at UAV Engines at Shenstone. The monthly protests more recently have seen a rise in community tension. This is a general concern in the locality – mostly about the blocking of roads rather than the subject of the protests. Locally we have a good engagement plan for before, during and after any protests and local PCSOs are well linked in with partners and communities. There have been no comments made about UAV at recent parish council meetings and there has been no contact from any community leaders about the conflict and the protests.  There is no graffiti in the village relating to it either.  No one has attended the three weekly police clinics held at Shenstone library on Saturday mornings to raise the matter or express concerns to the team. We are looking to engage a partner working group around this so if you feel that you can get involved – then please contact me direct

Cllr Thompson briefed members on recent meetings with Shenstone Playing Field Committee, on which he sits as the Council representative alongside Cllr Jones. There are two areas of concern which he wished to highlight.

  1. The redevelopment of Shenstone Playing Field Playground. Currently, the Playing Field Committee are not intending to reconsult the whole village regarding the options for renewing equipment on the same site. Cllr Thompson identified the reasons why he was of the strong opinion that the original consultation was flawed as it did not adequately explain the two renewal options which are (i) on the existing site or (ii) on a new site. Only offering the new site option and only intending to tell residents of Lincoln Croft, many of whom have voiced strong objections that plans are going ahead. Cllr Thompson stated that this is not an inclusive way to proceed.

  2. Cllr Thompson also updated the Committee on the ongoing relationship between Shenstone Playing Field Management Committee & Shenstone Country Club.

RECOMMENDATION: Members were in unanimous agreement with Cllr Thompsons concerns & the recommendation is that Council approve a request to meet with Shenstone Playing Fields Committee at the earliest opportunity to discuss these concerns further.

15 Next meeting of Neighbourhood, Planning & Property Committee Tues March 21st 2023 5.30pm Shenstone Parish Office

18th April 2024