Shenstone Playing Fields Committee & Shenstone Country Club

Shenstone Parish Council is aware of rumours and comments circulating around Shenstone and on social media regarding the Shenstone Playing Field Committee & the Country Club. There will be no comment from the Parish Council other than to say that it is committed to assisting both parties to find a positive, mutually beneficial resolution that best serves the community of Shenstone in any way it can.

However, to clarify: the Parish Council have been asked if Shenstone Playing Fields Management Committee should make a public statement concerning the negative & often disparaging comments on social media and the advice was not to as this would likely only inflame an already highly emotive situation.

The Parish Council are custodian trustees of the Playing Field with no managerial responsibility but are happy to offer advice when asked for from either party.

Also, with regard to the AGM, these are meetings which are held by all Charities in accordance with Charity Commission regulations, and they are public, open to anyone.

The SPFMC will no doubt advertise the agenda & meeting notice in accordance with regulations in due course and welcome the opportunity to both speak of achievements to date and plans for the future as well as listen to feedback from Shenstone residents.

28th May 2024