Friends of Shenstone Station 1884

Community Rail – Adopt a Station

Community Rail is a growing movement made up of community rail partnerships, station adoption groups and an army of volunteers from across Britain. 

Our ‘Adopt a Station’ scheme enables individuals or groups to adopt their own local railway station, to plant, paint, create and improve. Where great friendships can be made with station staff, other volunteers and members of the wider community.

Our small group of volunteers: Jane Arnstein, Tim Arnstein, Anne Thompson and Paul Willimott.

We recently had our first working party to begin to clear the bank. We made a great start and it has inspired us to do more. Shirley (the parish clerk) has offered the support of Gerry to strim the bank, this will be an enormous help. Taylor Whimpy have said we can have some top soil. With a few more working parties and some planting, the area will look stunning. I’m just not putting an exact time on its completion just yet!

For more information or to get involved,  please contact: