S.Y & C.C. Working Party Minutes – 24th May 2021

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Serving Little Aston, Shenstone, Stonnall, Shenstone Wood End, Lynn, Parish Council Office 25C Main Street Shenstone WS14 OLZ
Tel: 01543 481 947
e-mail: <admin@shenstone-staffs.gov.uk >
web: www.shenstone-staffs.gov.uk

MINUTES OF SY&CC WORKING GROUP MEETING 24th May 2021 at 4.00pm via Zoom.

  1. Register of Members in attendance.

Cllrs David Thompson, David Salter, Sheila Beilby, Gail Nicholls, Stuart Jones.

Clerk: Shirley O’Mara

  1. Apologies Received.


3. Review of options following consultation:-

(i) RICS 3 and ask SCC to transfer ownership to the SYCC MC

(ii)RICS 3 and SPC retain the lease and SPC/SYCC MC repair to 2031 and hand back land to SCC in 2031.

(iii)RICS 3 and SPC accepts ownership and SPC/SYCC MC repair existing and also build a new SYCC

(iv)RICS 3 and terminate lease pay £10 and demolish and hand back the land in accordance with the lease

The four options were reviewed and, as the Working Group agreed ownership of the SY&CC was not an option, they wished to recommend to Full Council the following hybrid option:

  • Complete the RICS 3 survey, fully consider the overall outcome, advise the SYCC MC that the Parish Council does not wish to purchase the land & building, consult further with the SY&CC MC that their ambitions for the SYCC are best served by the offer of ownership being transferred to the SYCC and following agreement to that option propose to Staffs County Council as follows:
  1. The current 20 year old lease is reviewed and transferred to the SY&CCMC for the next ten years.
  2. The SY&CCMC form a Charitable Trust.
  3. The Trust then secures the funding for any repairs identified in the RICS 3 survey according to timescales and/or rebuild of the SYCC.
  4. The Parish Council will consider all future requests for support for the repair or rebuilding of the SY&CC.

4. Consultation offer of two Working Group places. Response to the five names self-identified for membership:-

(i) One SYCC name and one place held open for A N Other

(ii) One from the three SYCC involved names and one from the two interested names

(iii) All five names invited

After lengthy discussion it was agreed that Mr Doug Morrison should be offered a place but one kept open for any other party not currently linked to the SY&CC. It was also agreed that Cllr Mick Cox should be invited to re-join the Working Party.

5. SYCC MC RICS 3 Pre meeting. Arranged for Wednesday 9th June at 4.00pm.

6. Survey and Zurich timetable. Survey booked for June 16th in time for 25th June insurance deadline.

7. AOB. None.