S.P.C Meeting Agenda 27th April 2021

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Serving Little Aston, Shenstone, Stonnall, Shenstone Wood End, Lynn, Parish Council Office 25C Main Street,
Shenstone WS14 OLZ
Tel: 01543 481 947
e-mail: <admin@shenstone-staffs.gov.uk >
web: www.shenstone-staffs.gov.uk

Dear Residents
You are cordially invited to attend a virtual meeting of Full Council to be held remotely on Tuesday 27th  April 2021 at 7.15pm. This meeting will be held under regulations made in the Coronavirus Act 2020

Please contact the Clerk for joining instructions.

Shirley O’Mara Date of notice: 21stApril 2021

Parish Clerk


147. Register of members in attendance.

148. Acceptance of apologies. Cllr Val Neale

149. Public Participation.

150. Declarations of interest.

Members should consider whether they should partake in any discussion or vote on matters on the agenda unless they have a dispensation.

151. To accept and confirm minutes of the last Full Council meeting on Tuesday 9th March 2021

152. Clerk’s update on outstanding issues from last meeting inc Traffic Regulation Order around Shenstone Station.

153. To receive reports from District and County Councillors

154. Finance:

Current financial position & transactions for approval.

Consider recommendation from F,L,H & S meeting March 23rd to provide approx. £300.00 funds to kick start  the “Big Poppy Project” across the Parish.

Consider Councillor Led grant request for £300-400 for Little Aston Bowls Club.

155. Planning.

Approve planning applications received in last month and update on any objections/ developments.

Update from Stonnall Youth & Community Centre Working Party including the recommendation that a further, more detailed RICS Survey is approved .

156. Standing Orders review.

157. Update from Employment Committee.

158. Review and adopt: Complaints Procedure- Health & Safety Policy-Equal Opportunities Policy. New Code of Conduct

159. Date of next virtual meeting: Tuesday 4th May 2021