Minutes of the Stonnall Y & C.C. Working Party meeting held on 14th October 2020

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Meeting of Stonnall Youth & Community Centre Working Group with Chairman of Stonnall Youth and Community Centre Management Committee.

Date 14 October 2020 held at Stonnall Youth and Community Centre

Persons attending

Cllr David Thompson (Chairman of SYCC Working Group)

Doug Morrison (Chairman of SYCCMC)

Cllr Mick Cox

Cllr Lesley Edgley (acting on behalf of the Parish Clerk)

Purpose of meeting was to present to Mr Morrison the findings of the Working Group and the outcome of the Parish Council meeting of 13th October 2020.

Cllr Thompson began by reviewing the Working Group’s remit and some basic history which had taken the Parish Council to this point. He advised there is ongoing Asset Review for the whole of the Parish and other properties within it will also be reviewed on the same basis. He also advised what other matters were considered during the review. These included:-

1) A review of the actual usage of both building within the village.

  1. A discussion with St Peters School in respect of any plans they might have for future expansion and their continued need for the use of the car parking spaces during the day.
  2. A meeting with Staffordshire CC to review pre school requirement for the area. The Working Group were advised that the area was “in balance” and Staffordshire CC did not anticipate any further requirement at present.
  3. A consultation with the residents of Stonnall, the results of which will be published in the next Parish news letter.
  4. Clarification was also obtained from Staffordshire CC that they would NOT allow the removal of previous agreements with other parties in respect of parking and access.

The Working Group findings and their recommendations were put to Full Council in two parts. The full text is available in the minutes of the Working Party’s minutes dated 30th September 2020 and the Parish Council minutes for 13th October 2020. Mr Morrison was advised the findings were:-

  1. That due to the costs in replacing the building, together with the encumbered land on which it was built and the level of usage over both buildings, their recommendation was the Parish Council would not take up Staffordshire CC’s offer to purchase. That recommendation was put to Full Council on 13th October 2020 and the decision was endorsed.
  2. That the PC were aware of the impact of the loss of an asset in Stonnall and the Working Group would continue to work with the village and Village Hall to ascertain what level of alterations would be required to combine the activities into one building. That recommendation was also upheld by the Full Council on 13th October 2020.

Cllr Thompson then explained that going forward in respect of SYCC, the PC would advise Staffordshire CC of the decision and decline the offer. The PC would also ask Staffordshire CC to consider allowing continued use in the interim. He felt that there may be some requirement to retain use of the building until such time as any alterations might be made at the Village Hall. A temporary building may been needed to allow clubs to function whilst any building work was undertaken. He would also recommended that the PC support an application to Staffordshire CC that the land is retained on an enduring basis for the use of Stonnall Village and its resident. He would be happy to meet with SYCCMC should they feel it would be beneficial. This matter has been left with the Chairman of SYCCMC.

Mr Morrison expressed his disappointment in the decision and queried the quality of the survey which was the basis that had lead to the decision. He also felt that the lack of engagement with SYCCMC by the PC had not help the situation.

Going forward, the Working Group will review what level of alteration will be required to meet the needs of Stonnall Village. The need for further usage figures would be required from both buildings to ensure that those needs are met where possible.