Approved SPC Minutes – 11.04.23


Serving Little Aston, Shenstone, Stonnall, Shenstone Wood End, Lynn, Parish Council Office 25C Main Street Shenstone WS14 OLZ
Tel: 01543 481 947
e-mail: < >

220 Register of members in attendance

Cllr David Salter – Chair (Shenstone Wood End), Cllrs Sheila Beilby, Gail Nicholls, Val Neale, Mick Cox, Duncan Gleig & Phil Whitehouse (Stonnall), Cllrs Stuart Jones, Rita Hancocks, Lesley Edgley, David Thompson. County Cllr David Smith.

Shirley O’Mara (Clerk). Mrs Claire Norton.

221 Acceptance of apologies.

Cllrs Neil Perry, Nick Smith, Leona Leung & Kelly Harrison.

Public Participation.

Members of the public are invited to address Council for a maximum of 15 minutes.

Mrs Claire Norton addressed Council regarding a community grant application for a coronation street party explaining the detail of the event and emphasising that the event was open to more than residents of The Grove, where the party will take place.

A decision was delayed until later in the meeting.

Cllr Salter read the following report from PCSO Andrea Horsnall who was unable to attend:

Good evening Councillors and members of the public.  Unfortunately, none of the area PCSOs are on duty this evening so I have summarised the reports that have come into the Police for your reference.  If there is anything you wish to discuss with us before the next Parish Council meeting, do not hesitate to let Shirley know or email us and we will get in touch with you.  Hopefully one of us will be in attendance at the next meeting in May.

222 The following summary related to the time period from 14/03/23 to 10/04/23.

Reports to the Police, either via phone or by online reporting:

Shenstone 57

Stonnall 15

Little Aston 28


Vehicle thefts x 5

Other transport related incidents x 18

Road Traffic Collisions x 6

Burglaries x 2

Anti-social behaviour – personal x 2 – this is related to Lincoln Croft, and we are currently in the process of identifying youths and making home visits.

Youths have been seen trying to break into the pump house on Ashcroft Lane, no lines of enquiry here at present.

There are also reports of cars meeting up at St John’s carpark early to mid-evening – we are monitoring this and have increased patrols in the area as the reports are suggesting disrespectful behaviour and possible drug activity.


Vehicle thefts- none reported.

Other transport related incidents x 2 related to sheep on the road and window having fallen off the back of a van.

Road Traffic Collisions x1

Burglaries none reported.

Public Safety x1 related to dog-on-dog incident at the local shops.

Little Aston

Vehicle thefts x 3, one vehicle found on West Midlands by the Police.

Other transport related incidents -none reported.

Road Traffic Collisions x 1

Burglaries x 3

Anti-social behaviour – none reported.

223 Declarations of interest. Members should consider whether they should partake in any discussion or vote on matters on the agenda unless they have a dispensation:

None not already covered by approved dispensation.

224 To accept and confirm minutes of the last Full Council meeting on Tuesday 14th March 2023. Approved & signed.

225 Clerk’s update on outstanding issues from last meeting:

  • Lammas Land investigation into boundary incursion. Update.

The Clerk has spoken to Pickering’s Solicitors who are issuing an advice note re next steps including draft court proceedings documentation.

  • Community Grant for Shenstone St Johns Hall: update on heating assessment

An assessment took place on Friday & report pending.

  • Community Grant for Shenstone Tennis Club: request for funds to be used for new signage instead of original plans for installation of a Rebo Wall.

RESOLUTION: Unanimously approved at a cost of £558.00 inc VAT as opposed to the original grant request of £2178.95.

226 To receive reports from District and County Councillors.

County Cllr Smith reported:

  • A burglary in Lynn Lane which was not included in the PCSO report.

  • Has met the leader of Walsall DC to arrange a joint meeting of Highways to discuss the number of incidents on Chester Rd/Lazy Hill junction. Likely to be after the elections.

  • Has had several complaints re speeding in Shenstone & is progressing means of tackling the issue. The Police are looking slightly more co-operatively at the use of SID’s.

Cllr Edgley suggested that a mini roundabout at the junction of New Rd, Lynn Lane and Station Rd would be effective in slowing traffic through the centre of the village. Cllr Smith said this would need a road traffic order and would be very expensive, around £50K. Cllr Nicholls suggested that this idea could be considered as part of the neighbourhood plan refresh as well as the same at the Lynn Lane/Wallheath Lane junction in Stonnall.

  • Cllr Smith expressed his very best wishes and thanks to those members of Council who are not standing again in May.

The Clerk will forward to Cllr Smith details of the Highways reports relating to potholes in Station Rd, Shenstone & the damaged kerb edging in Main Street, Shenstone.

District Cllr Salter reported:

  • St Johns Hill will be closed from 2nd May for one week due to roadworks.

  • Following the decision of 6 members to stand down at the election Council will need to start the procedure of co-option after the May meeting.

Cllr Salter expressed his thanks to all members leaving, regardless of length of service, for their contribution to communities across the wards, expertise and invaluable knowledge.

227 Finance.

Nat west Current Account £905.00. Nat West Business Reserve £53,552.70. Nat West Liquidity Account ring fenced funds for ear marked projects £93,162.81. Unity Bank £50,806.00.

There were no questions relating to transactions shared. Cllr Whitehouse asked if the Clerk would please add more detail to the transaction spreadsheet regarding identifying spending relating to community grants. The Clerk is happy to oblige.

The Clerk also confirmed that the internal audit will be taking place tomorrow.

Consideration of applications received for Coronation Events.

Eight applications: £750.00 £200. £250 x 2. £2465, £1305. £500. £1500

Total: £7220.00

Council considered carefully the applications received with concerns around duplication of catchment areas, whether the grants were for the entire event or partially self funding, anticipated numbers , possible commercial crossover and the use of grant funding for the purchase of gifts which is not part of Council’s remit. RESOULTION: It was unanimously agreed that applications under £750 were approved in full but that a £750.00 cap should be in place on the other applications.

Revised grant guidelines were discussed for future events.

Next meeting of Finance, Legal, Health & Safety Committee Tuesday 25Th April 2023 at 5.30pm Shenstone Community Library.

228 Planning.

Approve planning applications received in last month and update on any objections/ developments. Link to planning applications spreadsheet

Reapplication for development of 2 x apartments rear of 8-16 Main Street, Shenstone- applicant has made a number of amendments. To be closely reviewed as is application for Shenstone Moss.

Cllr Thompson had confirmation from developers of 65 houses on the business park.

Flooding of the Lammas Land no longer a concern.

Developer looking to remove light industry containers to maximise housing space.

The Clerk confirmed the invitation to tender for the revised neighbourhood plans have been issued.

Next meeting of the Neighbourhood, Planning & Property Committee Meeting Tuesday May 23rd at 5.30pm Parish Office.

229 The Decarbonisation of Shenstone and Stonnall Feasibility Study.

Update: The developers of the proposed Shenstone Business Park housing development have confirmed they would be interested in the study as it would be a big U.S.P. South Staffs Water have already indicated interest.

Cllr Hancocks thanked Cllr Thompson for his work on this to date.

230 Highways traffic survey results/presentation.

Update on issues at Lazy Hill/Chester Rd junction.

Station Rd pothole report

Main Street, Shenstone kerb report: Enquiry 4316997. Consideration of using Parish funds to accelerate works.

Covered under previous items.

231 Lengthsman contract & potential purchase of vehicle.

Proposal to visit Burntwood Town Council to view their vehicle.

The Clerk confirmed that the Lengthsman is happy to sign his contract when he returns from holiday.

After some discussion Council voted on whether to pursue the purchase of a vehicle.

RESOLUTION: 4 members in favour, 5 against with one abstention. No further action.

232 Next meeting of Full Council Tuesday May 16th, 2023, 7.15pm Stonnall Community Centre.