Approved Minutes of the N P & P Committee – 21st Sept 2021  

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Serving Little Aston, Shenstone, Stonnall, Shenstone Wood End, Lynn, Parish Council Office 25C Main Street Shenstone WS14 OLZ
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Approved minutes of Neighbourhood Planning & Property Committee Meeting held on Tuesday 21st September 2021 at 3.00pm at The Parish Office.

1 Register of members in attendance

Cllrs David Thompson (Chair), David Salter, Rita Hancocks, Gail Nicholls.

Shirley O’Mara (Clerk)

2 Acceptance of apologies.

Cllrs Nick Smith & Stuart Jones.

3 Public Participation.

Members of the public are invited to address Council for a maximum of 15 minutes.


4 Declarations of interest.

Members should consider whether they should partake in any discussion or vote on matters on the agenda unless they have a dispensation:


5 To accept and confirm minutes of the last Neighbourhood Planning & Property Committee Meeting June 22nd, 2021

Duly approved & signed.

6 Planning applications- update including outstanding applications and objections.

Cllr Thompson will be preparing the Council objection to the application for development in Cartersfield Lane, Stonnall.

The Clerk has done a review of all outstanding applications & confirmed that any identified on the Council spreadsheets as outstanding are still exactly that. spreadsheet

7 Richard Cooper Room

  • Cllr Salter briefed the Committee on the recent Richard Cooper Room Management Committee Meeting in which the Hough & Co building survey was discussed. There was some concern as to why the survey had been commissioned but Cllr Salter stressed it was in line with others in the Parish & part of a review into assets. The Richard Cooper Room Committee have identified the possible presence of asbestos & its removal as well as the condition of the roof as the primary areas of concern. The life expectancy of the roof was 60 years & it is now over 100 years old so becoming absorbent.

The NP&P Committee charged the Clerk with identifying a timescale on the suggested remedial work identified in the Hough & Co report.

Ownership of the Richard Cooper Room was confirmed as being Shenstone Parish Council by reviewing legal paperwork.

RECOMMENDATION: The Committee do not feel that the utilisation of the building justifies the expense of the required repairs, especially with the number of other meeting venues in the village. The Clerk is charged with establishing whether the other venues can accommodate existing Richard Cooper Room bookings, but the Committee recommend that funds are not earmarked for any repairs yet.

8 Staffs County Council road traffic survey: selection of roads

The Clerk was charged with finding out which roads were surveyed last time & it was agreed that all should be repeated to give a comparison. The exact location of the equipment is also required as it is very important the surveys are done from the correct positions. New roads for inclusion need to be identified- Clerk to consult Council.

9 Legal brief for Council: clarification of responsibilities re Parish assets

It was agreed that clarification & confirmation on assets and associations for which we cannot be certain of our responsibilities from reading/understanding any documentation we have on file. Shenstone, Stonnall & Little Aston Village Halls as well as Stonnall & Shenstone Playing Fields-are required as well as Shenstone Playing Fields.

Little Holms, Malkins Coppice & the Lammas Land may also be included but Clerk to consult with Lammas Land Committee first.

10 Stonnall Youth & Community Centre: feedback from 16th Sept Working Party & agree recommendations to take forward to Full Council.

The response from Council to Staffs County Council was shared & approved.

Sue Albini of Pickering’s Solicitors will act for Council and is now in possession of all necessary documentation.

11 Proposed lease of Footherley Rough.

Deferred in the absence of Cllr Jones.

However, the Clerk confirmed legal costs of any possible lease would be £750-£1000.

12 Future consideration of a 20mph speed restriction in Shenstone

There was a long discussion on this issue with Cllr Thompson committing to more investigation into what may be options.

13 A.O B

The Clerk confirmed that a quote is expected for the repair of the village clock in Shenstone.

Cllr Salter queried how long it has been since the integrity tests were done on the PC provided lighting stations

14 Next meeting of Neighbourhood, Planning & Property Committee Nov 23rd at 5.30pm Shenstone Community Library