S.P.C Minutes September 2020

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Serving Little Aston, Shenstone, Stonnall, Shenstone Wood End, Lynn, Parish Council Office 25C Main Street Shenstone WS14 OLZ
Tel: 01543 481 947
e-mail: <admin@shenstone-staffs.gov.uk >
web: www.shenstone-staffs.gov.uk

Approved Minutes from virtual meeting of Full Council held on 8th September via Zoom at 7:15pm

39 Register of members in attendance:

Cllrs David Salter; Sheila Beilby; John Branch; Nicola Macdonald; Gail Nicholls; Kelly Harrison; Neil Perry; David Thompson; Stuart Jones; Darryl Godden & Lesley Edgley.

County Cllr David Smith. Clerk: Shirley O’Mara. Member of the public: Mr Bob Ingram

40 Acceptance of apologies.

Cllrs Val Neale, Nick Smith, Mick Cox. District Cllrs Elizabeth Hassell & Joseph Powell.

41 Public Participation.

Mr Bob Ingram of Stonnall would like Council to consider a new proposal to improve the effectiveness of the Speed watch group. The current situation means that repeat offenders are common which reinforces fear that that all efforts to deter are not receiving the response that might be expected. The proposal is to submit a report to Council and other agencies indicating number of vehicles failing to comply with the speed limit; total number of vehicles recorded passing the named location and quoting date and time of the particular speed watch. It should then be possible to find out what action has taken place. The proposal would be recording only statistical data so in no way compromise data protection.

Cllr Jones fully Supported Mr Ingram and commented that feedback is never received from Staffs County.

Cllr Salter also fully supported the proposal; especially the idea of follow ups and suggested the proposal is forwarded in detail to the Clerk who can take it forward.

42 Declarations of interest.

Members should consider whether they should partake in any discussion or vote on matters on the agenda unless they have a dispensation:

Cllr Jones declared a non pecuniary interest in item 57.

43 To accept and confirm minutes of the last Full Council meeting on Tuesday 14th July 2020:

Signed and approved.

44 Clerk’s update on outstanding issues from last meeting:

Nothing from the Clerk. Cllr Salter updated Council on the agreed NALC salary increment and confirmed the appropriate adjustment as agreed at July Full Council has been made.

45 To receive reports from District and County Councillors:

County Cllr Smith said progress is being made with the Shenstone traffic order for around the station and with the traffic measures on the A5127 & Carters field Lane.

There is still no response from WM Trains re the station parking order.

There is an ongoing issue with flooding in Main St, Stonnall but County have no authority to act. Severn Trent Water is now paying compensation due to their lack of action. Christopher Pincher, M.P, is now involved.

Continuing issues with flooding in Newick Avenue despite removal of tree roots.

Discussions now with RailTrack re a crossing at Blake Street.

Cllr Branch restated his ongoing and serious concerns about the amount of time it is taking to address the traffic issues on the A5127 in Shenstone despite two recent serious accidents and the fact that data has shown speeding is actually increasing since the lockdown. Cllr Smith said that he is hopeful that something will be done by the end of the year.

46 Review and adopt Risk Assessment. Proposed Cllr Nicholls, seconded Cllr Beilby & unanimously approved.

47 Review and adopt Financial Regulations.

Item moved to Finance, Legal, Health & Safety meeting on Sept 22nd.

48 Review and adopt Code of Conduct.

The LGA model code of conduct which has yet to be fully adopted has been the subject of discussion at the Society Of Local Council Clerks.

They have the following issues:

  • The move away from “respect” to “civility”. It is entirely possible to be very disrespectful in very civil terms.

  • It lacks ambition; it only offers a minimum standard of behaviour rather than an expectation of higher standards.

  • A good code is essential and needs sector specific guidance

  • There needs to be good quality training for Councillors

  • Needs to be clearer guidance on a Councillor’s need to know and how they respond to confidential information.

49 Finance:

Current financial position as at 8th Sept 2020. Unity Account: £160,341.24,

Nat West Current Account: £905.00, Nat West Business Reserve Account: £53,309.73, Nat West Liquidity Account (Ring Fenced Funds for SY&CC rebuild project, outstanding & pending professional fees & neighbourhood plan revisions): £162,137.31. Total £376,693.28.

All transactions to date were approved. (link to Financial transactions spreadsheet for Sept 2020)

The Clerk shared details of the Mazars external audit report.

The Clerk requested permission to attend three webinar training courses through the SLCC at a cost of £30.00 each. This was unanimously approved.

The Clerk also confirmed receipt of £10,000 from Lichfield District Council Small Business Relief Fund.

50 Planning.

Approve planning applications received in last month and update on any objections/ developments. (link to planning applications spreadsheet)

Objections for applications 20/00721/FU Oakwood Close, Shenstone due to impact on the immediate area & 19/01302 Ashcroft Lane due to over intensification in a small area have been successful. Objections still pending on 20/00508 Pinfold Hill & 20/00015 Main Street, Shenstone. Cllr Thompson will be investigating the recent application 20/00821 Cartersfield Lane at the request of Cllr Cox.

Prior to the meeting Cllrs Thompson & Salter had a zoom meeting with a development agent at “Lone Star” interested in discussing a potential Community hub in Little Aston. He was advised that the neighbourhood plan will be reviewed shortly and that any potential developments would be closely monitored.

Cllr Jones raised application 20/00610 for Shenstone Country Club extensions.

Cllr Godden has looked at the plans and said they look very sensible. Cllr Thompson will review.

51 Update from Stonnall Youth & Community Centre (SY&CC) Working Group meeting on 3rd Sept.

Cllr Thompson briefed Council on the meeting in detail- full minutes attached.

In summary, it is clear that with level of use being so thin a significant use of public money on a re-build project would be unwise.

Further discussions to take place after the Public meeting.

Cllr Thompson stated the importance of consistency in looking at all of our assets.

52 Lengthsmen report.

The Clerk briefed Council on the work the Lengthsmen have been doing which is the usual Summer schedule of planters, weeding, grass cutting, strimming and tidying as well as extra duties at both Shenstone Playing Field & Little Aston Recreation Ground. Cllr Salter commended them for the work done at Little Aston.

Focus in the next week is litter picking & drain clearing for the Asst Lengthman during the Lengthsman’s leave.

53 Stonnall Playing Field flood Resiliance Scheme.

Cllr Beilby reported that the work on the culvert and the fencing is complete and to a very good standard. The Clerk has been asked by Staffs CC not to pay the invoice until work is signed off by the Principal Flood Risk Engineer, which is normal procedure for Staffs CC.

Cllr Nicholls reported that steps are now also in place for ease of access to clear the culvert. Cllr Macdonald queried the responsibility of maintenance with Cllr Salter confirming that the open brook is the Parish Council’s responsibility with the Lengths men being guided by “eyes on site”.

The Clerk will contact Traditional Fabrications to request a review site visit.

54 Playground updates following re-opening.

Both Stonnall and Shenstone Playgrounds are open but Little Aston Recreation Ground (LARGA) remains closed until 14th Sept. Cllr Salter explained that there is £10-13K to be spent on the playground which needs to be dealt with within three months in order to comply with insurance requirements. Cllrs Nicholls & Branch expressed concerns at the number of issues which LARGA are experiencing which have not been encountered on the other fields. Cllr Salter explained that lack of use has been damaging to their specific equipment amongst other things.

55 Shenstone Traffic Order for parking around Shenstone Station- update.

The Clerk spoke with the Engineer at Staffs County Council

responsible for the project. He met last week with the Strategic Community Infrastructure Manager to review the consultation feedback.

There has been a very big response including a number of objections. These were mainly based on:

  • Concern about the visual impact of lines in the village

  • Concern about not being able to park outside own house for self or visitors

  • Displacement of cars to other areas of the village

  • Concern that the order was not far reaching enough

Because of the number of objections the traffic order needs to be amended and the objections addressed which will take time.

The engineer is aware of how long this has already gone on for and the size of the problem, particularly with commuters returning to work & the issues already arising again, but this is the process that has to be followed. All those who objected will be directly contacted.

He was unable to give me a timescale beyond this.

56 Progress on traffic measures A5127 & Carters field Lane

Covered under item 45.

57 Consideration of £500 grant request for the renovation of adopted phone box in Burnett Road, Streetly.

This grant request was unanimously approved.

58 Consideration of a grant request of £750.00 to participate in road safety week and purchase road safety banners for all three Wards.

Whilst fully supportive of the initiative, there were concerns raised by Cllrs Edgley and Perry about responsibility and liability should these banners fall off and potentially damage cars with Cllr Perry raising the importance of a risk assessment.

Cllr Jones commented that he was sure safe locations could be found somewhere.

It was agreed that more information would be sought before reconsideration of this item at the October meeting.

59 Doctors Lane- update on communications with BT re adopted road problems.

The Clerk has finally had a break through with BT who will be contacting the office shortly to discuss the issue.

60 Date of next virtual meeting: Tuesday 13th October 2020 at 7.00pm.