S.P.C Minutes January 2019

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Serving Little Aston, Shenstone, Stonnall, Shenstone Wood End, Lynn, Parish Council Office 25C Main Street Shenstone WS14 OLZ
Tel: 01543 481 947
e-mail: <admin@shenstone-staffs.gov.uk >
web: www.shenstone-staffs.gov.uk


141. Register of members in attendance.

Cllrs David Salter, Sheila Beilby, Rita Hancocks, David Thompson, Jean Wilson, Mick Cox, Neil
Perry, Gail Nicholls, Val Neale, John Branch, Nick Smith, Nicola Macdonald.
Shirley O’Mara- Parish Clerk.
Members of the public- Mr Phil Berry, Chairman, Little Aston Recreation Ground Association.
Representative of the Rapid Relief Team.

142. Acceptance of apologies

–Cllr Stuart Jones & Cllr Charles Fordham. County Cllr David Smith. District Cllr Elizabeth Little

143. Declarations of interest:
Cllr David Salter & Cllr Jean Wilson on item 150.
Cllr Rita Hancocks on item 155. Dispensations approved at Full Council Dec 2018

144. To accept and confirm minutes of the last Full Council meeting on Tuesday 11th December 2018.

Duly approved & signed.

145. Clerks report on outstanding matters from minutes Tuesday 11th December 2018

1) Request for a bench at the top of Churchill Road, Shenstone.
The Clerk read out a letter from Mr John Beattie of Churchill Rd, Shenstone requesting Council’s consideration of a bench at the top of Churchill Road near the grassy area by the litter bin. This, he felt, would aid the elderly & the infirm, mothers with toddlers and those
heavy laden with shopping.
Before making any decision Council would like to seek the views of the residents who live nearby the proposed site so a consultation will now take place.

2) Update on Post Office in Shenstone. The Clerk has been informed that an interview is scheduled for next week for the position of Postal Services Manager.

3) Shenstone parking consultation- period of consultation extended to January 23rd. Cllr Perry has visited residents throughout the consultation area and approx. 70% are in agreement with the proposal. Cllr Thompson is aware of concerns of residents fractionally outside the proposed parking area that they will be impacted and that there will be issues with family parking. He does not believe that these issues cannot be resolved.

4) Lengthsmans equipment- this has now been purchased but there is an issue with storage. The Clerk has requested use of some space at the Richard Cooper Room but this has been declined. Cllr Salter will discuss this with the Richard Cooper Room Committee at the next meeting. In the meantime, the Clerk will research the price of a lockable porta cabin to go with the existing one at the rear of the Parish office.

146. Public Participation.

Mr Phil Berry, Chairman, Little Aston Recreation Ground Association (LARGA) addressed council with regard to item 150 which was duly brought forward. Mr Berry thanked Council for the invitation to talk about the possibility of a lease agreement between LARGA and the Parish Council stressing it was in no way to better the security of LARGA as with QE2 Fields in Trust status this is already in place. The reason for seeking a long term lease agreement is to enable the charity to pursue large grant funding opportunities. Grant funders of over £10,000 seek long term leases to protect
their investment and LARGA have recently been refused on sideration because they have no such agreement in place. With major items of expenditure on the horizon it is essential that the charity has the ability to apply for these funding opportunities.

Mr Berry has taken advice from “Fields in Trust” who has confirmed a lease will not effect the “Fields in Trust” status and advised that the way forward is the completion of some initial paperwork (shared with Council). They also advise a lease of 30 years duration.
The proposal therefore is that Shenstone Parish Council agrees to start proceedings by completing the “Fields in Trust” documentation and submitting it. LARGA will pay for a draft lease to be drawn up which will then be scrutinised by Council, Lichfield District Council,
NALC & Staffordshire Parish Council Association as well as seeking Solicitors advice before a final draft is drawn up which “Fields in Trust” would wish to see.

Cllr Thompson asked if a lease would dilute clauses in the existing management agreement and Mr Berry said it would not. Cllr Thompson also asked which organisations LARGA would approach for increased value bidding as well as whether a 30 year lease is actually enough. Mr Berry stated that “Fields in Trust” say 30 years is sufficient and named organisations like BIFFA & HS2 as potential funders.

Cllr Smith requested some background on what LARGA is, how it works and what it would use funding for. Cllr Perry, whilst supportive of the activities & intentions of LARGA, expressed his serious concerns that a 30 year lease period is too long. He has had concerns on this matter since the management agreement was drafted some months ago believing that that too was too long. After expressing these concerns he stated that he believed a review period is essential and a cut off clause must be included in any document. He also sought assurance that by completing the “Fields in Trust” paperwork, Council were not committing to anything
further. Mr Berry & Cllr Salter confirmed that Council were not and that any clauses and/or reviews can be discussed as part of reviewing the draft lease.

There was then a discussion instigated by Cllr Cox re whether Council should seek legal advice first but it was agreed that something needs to be drafted for the Solicitors to look at
initially & that LARGA are willing to pay for this first draft.

Cllr Salter proposed that Council accept the motion, this was seconded by Cllr Thompson and unanimously approved by Council.

The Rapid Relief Team were in attendance to offer their services for future community projects. Cllr Salter expressed thanks for all efforts in the past & the Clerk assured them that they will be involved in any future community initiatives.

147. To receive reports from District and County Councillors.

Cllr Salter reported that Lichfield Library is now open in St Marys with tourist information and a museum. Lichfield District Council are promoting the library with free parking after 2.00pm on designated Tuesdays. Ideas are progressing for the site formerly known as “Friarsgate”.

148. Finance- current position as at Jan 8th 2019.

The Clerk shared the current position of accounts: Unity Bank £134,559.56
Nat West current account £980.00. Nat West Liquidity Account (earmarked funds for cemetery) £140,104.73
Nat West Business Reserve £3095.71
The Clerk shared details of January transactions to date.

Next Finance, Legal, Health & Safety Meeting Jan 29th 2019 5.15 Parish Council Office.

149. Planning- consider all applications received (attached).

Lichfield District Planning Allocations Consultation- Cllr Thompson presented Council with details of his response drafted on behalf of Council to this recent planning consultation (full response attached). This response was unanimously approved by Council and Cllr Thompson thanked for his work on it.
There are two further consultations with responses due in February & March.

150. As under item 146.

151. Speeding on the A5127

The Clerk shared details of quotes received for a speed survey on the Birmingham Road, Shenstone. The successful quote was awarded to “Intelligent Data” for £200.00.
The Clerk will now seek appropriate permissions to proceed.
Cllr Branch also commented that the 30mph signs on the Birmingham Road are in the wrong place and that entry signs to the village should be improved to indicate to drivers that they
are entering a village. Cllr Perry reminded Council that in the past County Cllr Smith had suggested Council fund such signage.

152. Parish website: examine proposal for new website.

Council considered a recent proposal from a company for the development of a new website.
This proposal was very favourably received offering the ability for the website to be updated by the Clerk and a very significant cost saving long term. It was unanimously agreed that the Clerk
should investigate further and seek additional quotes including from the existing web site provider.

153. Consider name markers for unmarked graves at St Johns cemetery.

Item deferred to Neighbourhood, Planning & Property Committee.

154. Consider application from St Johns Church Hall for a grit bin.

Council advise completion of a community grant form for consideration.

155. Access road to Village Hall, Shenstone- drainage problems.

Cllr Salter explained the poor drainage problems on the access road to the village hall which has been an issue for some time. There are three factors: the trees in The Bull car park, the outpouring of water and soil from the playing field and the torrent of water down Barnes Road all causing major problems. As it has been some years since a survey, Cllr Salter proposed approval of funding of up to £500.00 for a full camera survey to identify problems which can then be used as an evidence base for remedial work going forward. This was seconded by Cllr Nicholls & unanimously approved.

156. Campaign for Rural England & Support Staffordshire- consider membership.

Membership of both organisations was unanimously approved as a source of advice, support and information.

140. Date of next meeting.

Tuesday February 12th at 7.15pm Little Aston Village Hall.