S.P.C Minutes November 2018

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Serving Little Aston, Shenstone, Stonnall, Shenstone Wood End, Lynn, Parish Council Office 25C Main Street Shenstone WS14 OLZ
Tel: 01543 481 947
e-mail<admin@shenstone-staffs.gov.uk >
web: www.shenstone-staffs.gov.uk



  1. Register of members in attendance.

Cllrs Sheila Beilby, Rita Hancocks, Mick Cox, Neil Perry, Gail Nicholls, Val Neale, Nick Smith, John Branch, Charles Fordham, Stuart Jones & Nicola Macdonald.  Shirley O’Mara- Clerk.
District Councillor Joseph Powell

Stephen Crane-Lengthsman.

  1. Acceptance of apologies

Cllr David Salter, Cllr David Thompson, Cllr Jean Wilson, Cllr Tim Cox. County Councillor David Smith.  District Councillor Brian Yeates.

  1. Declarations of interest. Members should consider whether they should partake in any discussion or vote on matters on the agenda unless they have a dispensation.

Cllr Jones item 120, Cllr Fordham item 121.

  1. To accept and confirm minutes of the last Full Council meeting on Tuesday 9th October 2018.

Duly approved & signed.

  1. Clerks report on outstanding matters from minutes Tuesday 9th October 2018 –

Request for a bench at the top of Churchill Road, Shenstone- deferred till December Full Council.

Protech Electrical Services appointed to install the lights on Little Aston Christmas tree with the work due to take place Tuesday November 27th. Cllr Fordham wished to pass on the number of appreciative comments he has received from residents and from Little Aston Community Association that the Council has chosen to provide the financial support required for the tree to be illuminated once again.

  1. Public Participation.

No members of the public in attendance. However, the Clerk introduced Stephen Crane, the new Lengthsman. Steve and the Clerk are working on an itinerary of works going forward, particularly focusing on The additional jobs likely to be passed to the Parish as a result of County cutbacks.

  1. To receive reports from District and County Councillors.

Cllr Powell advised that Friarsgate is still being looked  at, that County Councillor David Smith will very shortly be releasing a Highways update and discussed development proposals for Fradley. Cllr Branch commented that the infrastructure needs to be more closely looked at when considering town developments and Cllr Powell agreed. The Clerk asked if there were any updates on the Burnett Road wine bar proposal to which the reply was there are none.

  1. Finance- current position as at Nov 13th.

The Clerk shared the current position of accounts:  Unity Bank £151,307.63

Nat West main account £990.00. Nat West Liquidity Account (earmarked funds for cemetery) £140,000

Nat West Business Reserve £3094.67.

The Clerk shared details of October transactions (attached) & November transactions to date.

The internal auditor is visiting on Thursday for the mid-year check & planning under way for next year’s budget.

  1. Update on items from Neighbourhood Planning & Property Meeting Oct 30th 2018 including recommendations re new cemetery  plans, Shenstone Parking consultation and speeding on the A5127.

Planning- review & approve latest planning applications.

The Clerk briefed Council on the actions taken regarding new cemetery plans: a meeting has been requested with Rev Liz Chamberlain & the Archdeacon to gather initial thoughts on re-opening the closed graveyard at St Johns. Also a meeting is taking place on Thursday Nov 15th with Cllr Salter & a Land Agent recommended by Moseleys Solicitors to discuss approaching the landowners identified in the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SLHAA) document

Following confirmation from Staffs County Council that the consultation regarding parking restrictions around Shenstone Station has been approved and will now commence, Cllr Perry reiterated that he also plans to visit all homes in the area to speak with residents personally.

Following the ongoing concerns re speeding traffic on the A5127 coming in to Shenstone from Birmingham, the Clerk has contacted Highways to request details & costs of an independent traffic survey which would take place at a time and location of Councils choosing.  Both Cllrs Branch & Fordham commented that speed indicator displays are not a deterrent and Cllr Perry stated that the problem needs to be properly evidenced.

  1. Community Grants 2019.

Applications for this year’s community grants programme will be open very shortly with a closing date of January 14th 2019. They will be advertised in the newsletter, on noticeboards and on the website.

  1. Emergency Grant Application re Library telephone box.

Cllr Jones requested funding towards the maintenance, lighting, replacement glass & signage of the Community Library telephone box. This was proposed by Cllr Perry, seconded by Cllr Cox & unanimously approved.

RESOULTION: Full Council approve grant application of £250.00

  1. Consider Shenstone Parish Council/ Little Aston Recreation Ground Management Agreement addendum of tenancy agreement.

Cllr Salter had, prior to the meeting, distributed a report proposing a lease agreement between Little Aston Recreation Ground (LARGA) and Shenstone Parish Council. Cllr Fordham reiterated the main points of the report, seeking agreement that Council support the creation of a “peppercorn rent” lease agreement of at least 25 years, ideally 40 years.  Several members expressed discomfort with this proposal with Cllr Perry stating that Council should rethink carefully how we use land assets, Cllr Cox questioning whether the grounds can be leased as part of “Fields in Trust” and Cllr Jones stating that, though LARGA’s aims are laudable to support, independent legal advice needs to be sought. Cllr Fordham stressed that discussions are at a very infant stage and no decision would be made to the detriment of the Parish Council. Cllr Beilby stated that she believed it advisable to defer further discussions until the December meeting when more information can be provided.

Council were in full agreement that this should be the case.

  1. Autumn/Winter newsletter.

The newsletter is almost ready to be sent out for approval. Some members have expressed concern about the inclusion of the Highways update from County Councillor David Smith. A discussion was had as to whether the article should be included as the report has not yet been seen by Council. It may then appear that Council agree with the contents of the report when ultimately it may not. Cllr Nicholls was particularly keen that the article not be included as she found an expression used in it offensive and believed the article had cherry picked information.   A vote was then taken after more discussion with Council almost equally split.

After yet more discussion it was unanimously decided to defer any mention of the Highways update until a later newsletter by which time the data will have been examined.

  1. Consider & agree actions regarding residents request for information re St Johns Maintenance contract and related comments

After full evaluation of the facts, Council unanimously decided that to seek resolution of this matter, an invitation should be extended to this concerned resident to meet and discuss all points raised. As this matter involves the Clerk, Cllr Beilby should act as minute taker at any meeting.

RESOLUTION: an invitation to meet with the Chairman should be issued.

  1. Councillors indication of intention to stand at next Elections.

With Elections due in May, Councillors were asked to indicate there intention to stand again or not. Most Councillors stated they would like to but three are not sure as yet.

  1. Request from Stonnall Youth & Community Centre to change dates of Parish Council Meetings held in Stonnall

A request has been received from Stonnall Youth & Community Centre for Council to change its Stonnall meeting dates in 2019 from a Tuesday to a Wednesday as they have received a block booking for the whole year which they wish to accommodate.  In order to do so Council would first need to amend the Standing Orders which, as the rules state, have the published date of meeting as Tuesdays.  The Clerk proposed amending the said standing order with the following vote unanimously declining not to do so. Whilst understanding of the Centres wish to make as much revenue as possible, the Council have, as leaseholders and users for many years, a rightful position of priority. 

RESOULTION: Council voted unanimously not to change standing orders to move meetings from a Tuesday.

  1. Website and emails.

Cllr Nicholls drew attention to the recent information received regarding website development. 

It was agreed after a brief discussion that the Clerk will do some research and report back to Council in January.

There has been no action re .gov emails being so close to elections.

  1. Date of next meeting.

Tuesday December 11th 2018 Shenstone Village Hall.