Neighbourhood Planning & Property  Minutes October 2018

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Serving Little Aston, Shenstone, Stonnall, Shenstone Wood End, Lynn, Parish Council Office 25C Main Street Shenstone WS14 OLZ
Tel: 01543 481 947
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  1. Register of Members in attendance.

Cllrs David Salter, David Thompson, Mick Cox, Neil Perry, Stuart Jones, Val Neale, Rita Hancocks. hirley O’Mara- Clerk.

  1. Apologies Received.


  1. Declarations of interest on agenda items.


  1.   Public Participation.


  1. Approve minutes of last NP&P meeting 22nd May 2018.

Duly approved & signed.

Cllr Jones raised the outstanding information from Item 18 of these minutes with regards to Staffordshire County Council’s consultation on Public Rights of Way.  The map requested has not yet been provided.

ACTION: Clerk to chase. DONE

  1.      Consideration of the reuse of the St John’s closed church yard.

The Clerk briefed the Committee on the information discovered from the Chief Executive of Bishop Stortford Council and the Institute of Cemetery & Crematoria Management with regard to the process of establishing the re-use of consecrated land in a closed churchyard.  It was agreed that, whilst other options need      exploring also, with only five more years space left in the Lower Lawn Cemetery, this should be investigated.

The Clerk was charged with calculating the exact size of the area which could be re-utilised and approximate number of plots this could generate then contacting the Diocese to seek initial thoughts.

The outcome will then be shared with Full Council before agreeing next steps.

It was agreed that there will be other issues to consider going forward including ownership, maintenance and the Old Tower. Public consultation is vitally important so initial feedback will be sought in the next Newsletter.

ACTION: Cllr Thompson to provide article. ACTION: Clerk to request meeting with Diocese. DONE.             

  1. Further consideration of the feasibility of sites identified to Lichfield District Council.

It was agreed that the six sites identified in the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SLHAA) document should be further investigated.  The Clerk was charged with calling Moseleys Solicitors in the first instance with a view to Moseleys or a Land Agent they recommended contacting the land owners to establish  potential interest.  If interest is shown then the Committee recommends that Council initiate the first stage of the professional assessments

  1.  Parking around the Shenstone Station area.

Cllr Perry briefed the Committee on the confirmation from Staffs County Council that the consultation regarding parking restrictions around Shenstone Station has been approved and will now commence. Affected residents will be consulted as part of the formal process but Cllr Perry also plans to visit all homes in the area to speak with them personally.  Once the approved measures have been taken Cllr Perry would then like to address the parking issues in and around Main St. Committee also noted that further phases of  parking control may be required if vehicle parking moved beyond the new control zone.

Cllr Perry was thanked by several members of the committee for his efforts so far on this matter.

  1. Planning applications inc Traveller Site at Gravelly Lane, Stonnall & Planning Inspectorate Decisions.

With reference to Traveller Site at Gravelly Lane, Stonnall & Planning Inspectorate Decisions APP/K3415/W/17/3181654 & 3181628, Cllr Thompson requested that the Clerk contact the Senior Planning Officer at Lichfield District Council on November 28th to get a formal position from them regarding Planning Condition 8 control over the details of the development and submission of the timetable for the implementation of those details.  Cllr Thompson also stressed that any reports of potential breaches are not arbitrary. Cllr Jones requested absolute clarification of the Committees’ motives in seeking this information to which Cllr Thompson responded that Council are monitoring the situation as they have been asked to do and as are Lichfield District Council themselves. Cllr Salter confirmed this was the case.  It was agreed that the provision should be as good as it can be and ensure no conflict with the Equalities Act 2010 with Cllr Cox stating that Council have a duty to represent both the residents and the travellers.

  1. The National Policy Planning Framework and Neighbourhood Plans

Councillor Thompson requested more information on this subject. Cllr Salter, in his capacity as District Councillor, will provide.

  1. The Old Church Tower, Shenstone.

Opinions are being sought from residents as to potential revenue generating ideas for the Old Tower at St Johns.

 An article is scheduled for the Newsletter with ideas shared at the next meeting with Heritage England in early December.  It was agreed that going forward a Management Committee needs to be formed and that there will need to be some initial funding. Any requests for assistance from Council may be made on presentation of full details and considered in the usual way.

  1. Email from Gareth Hare re Land Ownership GIS layer.

Confirmation is required of all land owned by the Council. Clerk to provide.

  1. Tree work at St Johns Cemetery- schedule.

 Work to commence week of Dec 3rd. Clerk to speak with operators re utilising some of the cedar wood for a sculpture.

  1. A.O.B

 1) Cllr Thompson discussed the Lichfield Mercury article from Oct 26th regarding Lichfield District Councils request for residents to participate in an online survey to decide funding priorities for next year’s budget. He wished to ensure that all residents are made aware of this opportunity. The Clerk will clarify the exact detail and the information will then be shared on our website, noticeboards & newsletter as well as with the Shenstone  Matters Facebook group.    

2) Community Infrastructure Levy- Cllr Thompson stated that the £1062.60 that the Council is due to receive from Lichfield District Council should be spent in the Parish on issues highlighted in the Local Plans.

All committee were in agreement.

3) Cllr Salter explained that whist the management agreement between Shenstone Parish Council and the Little Aston Recreation Ground (LARGA) has been successful in helping them secure small grants; some grant bodies require them to hold a lease.  It is requested that Council consider adapting the agreement to a tenancy arrangement. The Committee would like to look again at the management agreement and discuss further at Full Council.  ACTION: Clerk to forward documentation.  DONE.

4) The contractor has been agreed for the installation of the Christmas tree lights in Little Aston with the choice of lights made as soft white with every tenth bulb twinkling. It is proposed that the old pea lights which we are no longer using are utilised on Little Aston Recreation Ground.

5) Following communications from a resident of Shenstone regarding the existing maintenance contract at St Johns Cemetery as well as comments and questions directed to both the Clerk & a Council member, the Councils adopted complaints process may shortly begin. Clarification of the nature and extent of the complaints has been requested.

6) Congratulations were given to the Clerk on passing the CiLCA qualification in less than a year.

Next meeting Tuesday December 18th at 5.30 Parish Office.