Neighbourhood Planning &  Property Minutes February 2019

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Serving Little Aston, Shenstone, Stonnall, Shenstone Wood End, Lynn, Parish Council Office 25C Main Street Shenstone WS14 OLZ
Tel: 01543 481 947
e-mail: < >


  1.   Register of Members in attendance.

Cllrs David Thompson, Mick Cox, Neil Perry, Val Neale. Shirley O’Mara- Clerk. Robin & Richard, Save our Shenstone (S.O.S). David Morris.

  1. Apologies Received.

Cllr David Salter & Cllr Stuart Jones       

  1. Declarations of interest on agenda items.


  1. Public Participation.

Save our Shenstone, Mr David Morris.  

  1. Approve minutes of last NP&P meeting 30th October 2018

Duly approved & signed.     

  1. Lichfield District Council Local Plan Preferred Options: consider and prepare response following public meeting.    

Cllr Thompson offered his thanks to Cllrs Salter, Hancocks & Cox as well as the Clerk for assistance in arranging a very civilized and well organised meeting.  Cllr Thompson was praised for his management of the Q&A.

Everyone was asked for feedback on the meeting.   The view was the same from all: that residents knew about the meeting and why it was called, that it was well attended (112 residents plus Council), that the questions from Council were good but that answers were poor in that there was little actual information, a lot of waffling and reticence to engage. It was felt that Lichfield District Council (LDC) should have come more prepared and ready to sell their vision but failed to do so and that this was merely an exercise to demonstrate that they are seen to be reviewing & consulting.

With a deadline of March 18th, the following plan to co-ordinate significant public responses was  agreed: –     

distribute the consultation questions with guidelines on how to answer them and examples of possible responses.  S.O.S & Cllr Thompson will compile this information for delivery to the Clerk by 5th March.

The response packs will then be produced and distributed throughout the Parish as well as emailed to any residents signed up to Save our Shenstone.  Council will then meet on March 12th to formalise the official response.  The Committee was in favour of expenditure required to print, collate and distribute the packs.

LDC is due to release more information in September. Cllr Thompson said that if the new build numbers required  are disproportionate then Council will fight. If they seem fair and reasonable then Council should consider employing Navigus to consult, be proactive and constructive, with suggestions of the best sites for the villages.

  1. Speeding survey- results and actions

The results from the recent survey on the Birmingham Road were shared (attached).

There is disappointment and frustration that the speed cameras were not positioned in the locations specified and it is felt that this has skewed the data. There was also a fault so not all data is present for the 24 hour/7 day week specified. The Clerk has written to the company to express Council’s dissatisfaction.       However, looking at the data provided the Committee felt that the results that have been supplied do not support further action to reduce speeding as the averages are not high enough to justify it.  Cllr Cox would like this data compared with the traffic survey recently conducted on behalf of County Cllr David Smith to see how that compares. Cllr Perry stated there have been a lack of incidents on the trunk road and from an enforcement perspective there is no issue.

RECOMMENDATION: Refer to Full Council but no further action recommended.

  1. New Cemetery: Update re research

The Land Agent is currently communicating with potentially interested landowners to establish interest in a possible sale.

  1. The Old Church Tower, Shenstone

Following another successful clear up day at The Old Tower on Feb 16th there will now be another event on March 16th to attract community interest in the restoration project. As part of the launch of Shenstone History Trail, the day will comprise of photographic & history exhibitions, a model making competition with the pupils of Greysbrook School, a churchyard quiz, brass rubbing, the opportunity to see the bell tower and refreshments. It is hoped that a good show of support will contribute to the English Heritage requirement for public interest in the Tower & the investment they are proposing.

  1. Lengthsman update.

The attached document details all of the jobs completed by Stephen Crane since his appointment as Lengthsman in September. He has been very busy despite it being throughout the colder months. Feedback is extremely good & the Committee were very pleased with both performance and results.

  1. Lichfield District Council Ground Maintenance contract- update.

With only one month to go, we are currently £10,000 under budget. This is predominantly due to the very dry summer but also the flexibility of the contract.

  1. A.O.B – Planning applications Ivy House, Main Street Shenstone & Lynn Lane Farm.

Cllr Salter has called in the application for Ivy House for determination by the Committee rather than by Officers following the submission of the Parish Council objection.  An email from residents concerned about the environmental impact has been received.

The planning application for the development of houses at Lynn Lane Farm was received today and will be studied.

Application for a modification order to Public Rights of Way- a request was made to support a modification order to The Countryside & Rights of Way Panel for a footpath at the side of Little Aston Primary School in Little Aston. This application was unanimously supported.

RECOMMENDTION: Fully endorse application at Full Council.

Next meeting of the Neighbourhood, Planning & Property Committee Tuesday April 30th at 5.30pm Parish Office.