S.P.C Minutes January 2021


Serving Little Aston, Shenstone, Stonnall, Shenstone Wood End, Lynn, Parish Council Office 25C Main Street Shenstone WS14 OLZ
Tel: 01543 481 947
e-mail: <admin@shenstone-staffs.gov.uk >
web: www.shenstone-staffs.gov.uk

Approved Minutes from virtual meeting of Full Council held on
12th January 2021 via Zoom at 7:15pm
Meeting held under regulations made in the Coronavirus Act 2020.

Item detail
96 Register of members in attendance:

Cllrs David Salter; Sheila Beilby; John Branch; Nicola Macdonald; Gail Nicholls; Neil Perry; David Thompson; Stuart Jones; Mick Cox; Nicki Gobran, Kelly Harrison & Lesley Edgley.
County Cllr David Smith. District Cllr Joseph Powell. Clerk: Shirley O’Mara.

97 Acceptance of apologies.

Cllr Val Neale . District Cllr Liz Hassell

98 Public Participation.

Mr Steve Mercer, Shenstone Wood End.
Mr Mercer briefed Council on a recent planning application for the building of a 3 bed dwelling on the site of his existing home which has been refused on the ruling of CP6, CP3 & CP1. However, Mr Mercer requests Council’s advice & support in looking at his application again as, looking at the detail, he does not feel the refusal is justified & struggling to understand why it has been turned down.
Cllr Thompson & Salter looked at the issues of connectivity, infrastructure & access.
After discussion it was agreed that Cllr Thompson would look at the resubmission. Cllr Joe Powell supported.

99 Declarations of interest.

Members should consider whether they should partake in any discussion or vote on matters on the agenda unless they have a dispensation:

100 To accept and confirm minutes of the last Full Council meeting on Tuesday 8th Dec 2020:

Signed and approved.

101 Clerk’s update on outstanding issues from last meeting:

The Clerk informed Council that 6 applications have so far been received for Community Grants. Closing date is Fri 15th January.
The Grant application from Greysbrooke Schools as discussed under item 91 at the Dec meeting is still outstanding as the supplementary information requested by Council has not yet been received.
As this grant application is related to Covid grant funding and not parish funding the Clerk has checked with the SPCA to check schools are included.
There are no restrictions.
After some discussion, Council voted to grant fund the full amount of £2982.00 inc VAT for the refurbishment of the classroom. There was one abstention.

102 To receive reports from District and County Councillors.

County Cllr David Smith updated Council as follows:
Blake St: date due on 13th Jan detailing when traffic lights will be changed & costings will be reviewed re upgrading to a pedestrian crossing. Very little engagement with rail companies which is disappointing.
Traffic measures on Birmingham Road & in Cartersfield Lane are progressing.
There have been delays caused by the impact of the pandemic.
A small fund exists for projects on climate change but there has been little take up- a County or District wide approach is required.

Cllr Edgley raised the issue of flooding problems in Ashcroft Lane & at the junction of Ashcroft Lane & Lynn Lane- a resident reported flood damage to their hedge.
The Clerk has also taken complaints passed to SCC.
Cllr Smith has a meeting on 13th Jan on this matter.
Cllr Perry raised the potholes on the A5127 between the garden centre & the island towards Lichfield. Cllr Smith said the whole of the road is due for re-surfacing when the weather improves.

Cllr Salter updated Council on a right of way application in Little Aston. This is still pending determination and is part of a significant backlog.

District Cllr Powell briefed Council on the recent legal case prosecuting dog fouling.
Lichfield District e-bulletins are proving extremely popular and very informative.
He also mentioned grant funding that is available through District & encouraged applications.

103 Update from Stonnall Youth & Community Centre Working Group.

Cllr Thompson briefed Council on the two meetings of the Working Group held on Dec 21st & 6th Jan .
Link to Dec. meeting minutes.

Link to Jan meeting minutes.

With regard to the agreed community communication the options put forward were
1) Keep the SYCC repaired and maintained until the expiry of its lease in 2030/31.
2) Demolish the existing building & build a new one.
3) Extend Stonnall Village Hall to cover the needs of the SYCC.
Cllr Salter said options 2 & 3 need a further split with further options within them.
Cllr Thompson agreed but said that the narrative needs to be focused, not over simplified but not too long in order to maximise engagement.
The offer to extend the Working Party to residents will be included.
Mr John Punch has agreed to look at the SYCC in the same way he looked at Stonnall Village Hall.
Cllr Cox requested a fourth option be added- to make the SY&CC future proof. i.e. Reclad, insulate, perhaps renovate toilets/kitchen. He has investigated re-cladding & has details. Also, re extending the Working Party, Cllr Cox has established that Mr Doug Morrison & County Cllr David Smith have both expressed an interest in joining.
Cllr Thompson welcomed the new ideas & suggested John Punch is involved in research.
A process re selecting Stonnall residents who are interested in joining the Working Group needs to be agreed. Cllr Gobran suggested that the communication strategy for informing residents could include “Monkey Survey” which can be used on email & What’s App.

104 Finance.

Financial transactions for approval were shared with an update of the latest financial position as at 12th January 2021.
Nat West Current Account £905.00 Nat West Business Reserve £53,311.55
Nat West Liquidity Account (ring fenced funds for Stonnall Community Facility, Revised Neighbourhood Plans, professional fees) £162,220.61 Unity Account £89,740.90

105 Planning.

Approve planning applications received in last month and update on any objections/ developments. Planning application list for January21
Success with Oakwood Close planning application rejection on the grounds of enclosure. Objection submitted for the development of the former HSBC Bank.
Awaiting on other results including Coogee Nursery, Little Aston.

106 Doctors Lane- resurfacing.

The Clerk briefed Council on the quotes received to date which cover full resurfacing and also tar & chipping. Quotes for the complete resurfacing vary from £19.5K to £45K whilst tar & chipping range from £8K to £12k.
Staffs Highways have declined the request to send an engineer to assess the site.
Clerk now researching a civil engineer to attend and assess. Clerk charged with speaking to utility providers to see if there are maps of underground services to assist any engineer.

107 Repairs to St Johns Church Wall.

The Clerk has requested three quotes but only two received. Despite the same specification they vary enormously – £7960 to £48000 – an inspection by a professional building surveyor is required. Hough & Co who did the surveys on the SY&CC & the Richard Cooper room are happy to assess.
Cllr Jones has contacts for builders who are specialist in heritage work through Heritage England. The conservation of the wall needs to be sensitive to the surroundings. Cllr Thompson stated that Council must protect its liabilities with the correct advice.

108 Lammas Land dangerous trees.

Three quotes were shared with Council for the attention to 7 x crack willows growing over the Lammas Land stream & 2 x crack willows on the Lammas Land side itself. A discussion was has regarding the importance of not setting a precedent of attending to trees
The three quotes are £4340, £2300 & £4000. Council voted unanimously to accept the £2300 quote- proposed by Cllr Jones & seconded by Cllr Thompson.
There was then a lengthy discussion re the fact that nine of the eleven trees requiring attention are on private late and that communication must be had with the landowner to get both permission to do the work and to make a contribution towards it.

109 Lengthsmen- response to Government working directive re Covid 19.

Following the directive it has been agreed that the Lengthsman will not work unless a job is deemed urgent. The Asst Lengthsman is happy to work on basic Parish maintenance under social distancing measures.

Cllr Salter stressed the importance of taking part in the lateral flow testing offered to residents who are asymptomatic.

110 Councillor Vacancy.

Mrs Rita Hancocks was elected into the Shenstone Council vacancy.

111 Diamond Jubilee Allotments.

The landowner of the allotment land has agreed to a lease extension of ten years.
Council are requested to pay the professional fees associated which are expected to be reasonable.

112 Next meeting of Full Council
Tuesday 9th February 2021 at 7.15pm.